首页> 外文期刊>Model assisted statistics and applications >The SIR political fanaticism figure voters model for estimating number of votes in Indonesian presidential elections

The SIR political fanaticism figure voters model for estimating number of votes in Indonesian presidential elections


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In this paper, the authors propose the SIR deterministic model of political fanaticism figure to understand the spread of voters in a population. The dynamics of the model involving ordinary differential equations of three class of voters; susceptible voters S, infected voters I, and recovered voters R. This model will be used to estimate the number of votes in 2014 Indonesian presidential elections. The study use a survey institution which conducted by Litbang KOMPAS during 2012–2014 for estimating the initial values of voters and parameters of the model. The results show that the higher the boredom rate, the lower number of infected voters. A higher rate of boredom can affect voters significantly to not choose a candidate for president.
机译:在本文中,作者提出了政治狂热人物的SIR确定性模型,以了解选民在人口中的分布。涉及三类选民的常微分方程的模型的动力学;易受影响的选民S,受感染的选民I和恢复的选民R。此模型将用于估计2014年印尼总统大选的票数。该研究使用了由Litbang KOMPAS在2012-2014年间进行的调查,以估算选民的初始价值和模型参数。结果表明,无聊率越高,被感染的选民人数就越少。较高的无聊率可能会严重影响选民,使其不选择总统候选人。



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