首页> 外文期刊>Model assisted statistics and applications >Record values from exponentiated Pareto type I distribution and associated inference

Record values from exponentiated Pareto type I distribution and associated inference

机译:记录来自指数Pareto I型分布和相关推论的值

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In this paper, we have considered the exponentiated Pareto type I distribution. Various structural properties of the exponentiated Pareto type I distribution (such as quantile function, moments, incomplete moments, conditional moments, mean deviation about mean and median, stochastic ordering, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, Renyi entropy and order statistics) are derived. We establish explicit expressions and recurrence relations for single and product moments of record values from exponentiated Pareto type I distribution. These recurrence relations enable computations of the means, variances and covariances of all record values for all sample sizes in a simple and effcient manner. By using these relations, we tabulate the first four moments and variances of record values. The maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters cannot be obtained in explicit forms, and they have to be obtained by solving non-linear equations only. The asymptotic confidence intervals for the parameters are also obtained based on asymptotic variance covariance matrix. An application of the model to a real data sets is presented and compared with the fit attained by some other well-known two and three parameters distributions.
机译:在本文中,我们考虑了指数Pareto I型分布。得出了指数Pareto I型分布的各种结构特性(例如分位数函数,矩,不完全矩,条件矩,均值和中位数的平均偏差,随机排序,Bonferroni和Lorenz曲线,Renyi熵和阶数统计)。我们针对指数Pareto I型分布的记录值的单矩和乘积矩建立显式表达式和递归关系。这些重复关系使所有样本量的所有记录值的均值,方差和协方差能够以简单有效的方式进行计算。通过使用这些关系,我们将记录值的前四个矩和方差制成表格。无法以显式形式获得未知参数的最大似然估计,而必须仅通过求解非线性方程来获得它们。还基于渐近方差协方差矩阵获得参数的渐近置信区间。介绍了该模型在实际数据集上的应用,并将其与其他一些知名的两个和三个参数分布所获得的拟合进行了比较。



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