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A New Class of Cyclists: Banham's Bicycle and the Two-wheeled World it didn't Create


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While not uncommon for innovator and innovation to merge into a single identity, it is more unusual for this to occur between object and critic. But it did happen in the 1960's with a novel small-wheeled bicycle, the Moulton, and the British architecture and design critic Reyner Banham. Banham believed the Moulton would give rise to a new generation of middle-class urban radical cyclists who would eventually come to rely on bicycles for their transport needs. While this did not happen, the Moulton s attention-getting technology did lead to a revived market in for bicycles among young, newly affluent consumers who bought small-wheeled utility bicycles as fashion statements and status symbols.
机译:对于创新者和创新而言,合并成一个统一的身份并不罕见,但在对象和批评者之间却经常发生这种情况。但这确实发生在1960年代,当时是一辆新颖的小轮自行车Moulton,以及英国建筑和设计评论家Reyner Banham。班纳姆(Banham)认为,莫尔顿(Moulton)会带来新一代的中产阶级城市激进骑自行车者,他们最终将依靠自行车来满足其交通需求。虽然这没有发生,但Moulton的引人注目的技术确实使年轻富裕的年轻消费者(购买了小轮多功能自行车作为时尚标志和地位象征)的自行车市场得以复兴。



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