首页> 外文期刊>Mobile networks & applications >Consumer-oriented Head Mounted Displays: Analysis and Evaluation of Stereoscopic Characteristics and User Preferences

Consumer-oriented Head Mounted Displays: Analysis and Evaluation of Stereoscopic Characteristics and User Preferences


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AbstractThe increasing availability of advanced but affordable technologies is providing interesting opportunities for the development of ICT applications for the social good. In particolar, the upcoming diffusion of advanced Head Mounted Displays dedicated to the consumer market has lead to a great interest in the design and production of dedicated media, like e.g. immersive movies and Virtual Reality applications. These devices use stereoscopic visualization to enhance the sense of realism and immersivity in a virtual scene. However, a correct stereoscopic visualization requires an accurate consideration of different parameters related to the production and display stages. In this paper, we analyze the stereoscopic setup of a Head Mounted Display, in order to highlight its main visualization characteristics in relation with the known issues and requirements for a correct stereoscopic visualization, and to establish some preliminary guidelines for an optimal creation of stereoscopic contents.
机译: 摘要 先进但价格可承受的技术的日益普及为社交网络的ICT应用开发提供了有趣的机会好。特别是,面向消费者市场的高级头戴式显示器的即将到来的扩散,引起了人们对专用媒体的设计和生产的极大兴趣,例如沉浸式电影和虚拟现实应用程序。这些设备使用立体可视化来增强虚拟场景中的真实感和沉浸感。但是,正确的立体可视化需要准确考虑与生产和显示阶段有关的不同参数。在本文中,我们分析了头戴式显示器的立体设置,以突出其与主要问题有关的正确可视化可视化的已知可视性和要求,并为优化创建立体内容建立了一些初步准则



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