首页> 外文期刊>Militargeschichtliche Zeitschrift >»Der Sinn des Krieges. Politische Ziele und militärische Instrumente der kriegführenden Parteien von 1914 bis 1918«. Tagung im Historischen Kolleg München, mitveranstaltet von Holger Afflerbach (Leeds) und Elisabeth Hüls (München), ,21. bis 23. März 2013

»Der Sinn des Krieges. Politische Ziele und militärische Instrumente der kriegführenden Parteien von 1914 bis 1918«. Tagung im Historischen Kolleg München, mitveranstaltet von Holger Afflerbach (Leeds) und Elisabeth Hüls (München), ,21. bis 23. März 2013

机译:»战争的意义。 1914年至1918年间交战国的政治目标和军事手段«。 Holger Afflerbach(利兹)和ElisabethHüls(慕尼黑)共同举办的慕尼黑历史文化博物馆会议,现年21岁。直到2013年3月23日

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This conference brought together a selection of internationally renowned scholars to discuss the war aims and strategies of many of the belligerent nations during the First World War. Through a series of chaired discussions and keynote addresses the conference sought to draw together the separate, national approaches to the consideration of war aims, and create a forum in which a more comparative, international, collaborative discussion of the topic could take place. As noted by Holger Afflerbach in his introduction, the questions surrounding war aims and strategies are myriad and complex, whilst the aims and strategies themselves were subject to change as the war developed. Internal and external pressures, combined with the magnitude of events, produced a conflagration of previously unimagined scale and duration. The conference sought to examine the responses offered by politicians and military personnel alike to some of these key questions: How were coherent strategies developed by the belligerents? What actions did the political and military elites take in order to establish a consensus of national opinion? What were the political leaders actually able to do as events continued to unfold, both before and during the war? What alternative strategies were available to them? And finally, why did the war continue for as long as it did? Why didn't it stop?
机译:这次会议汇集了一批国际知名学者,讨论了第一次世界大战期间许多交战国的战争目标和战略。通过一系列主持的讨论和主题演讲,会议力图将考虑战争目的的单独的国家方法汇集在一起​​,并建立一个论坛,在该论坛上可以对该主题进行更具比较性的国际合作讨论。正如霍尔格·阿夫勒巴赫(Holger Afflerbach)在他的导言中指出的那样,围绕战争目标和战略的问题无数而复杂,而目标和战略本身却随着战争的发展而变化。内部和外部的压力,再加上事件的严重性,造成了以前无法想象的规模和持续时间的爆炸。会议试图研究政治家和军事人员对以下关键问题的回应:交战方如何制定连贯的战略?政治和军事精英采取了什么行动来建立国家舆论的共识?在战争之前和期间,随着事件的不断发展,政治领导人实际上能做什么?他们可以使用哪些替代策略?最后,为什么战争会持续这么长时间?为什么不停止?



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