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Conodonts of the Lower Ordovician Prairie du Chien Group of Wisconsin and Minnesota


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The Oneota and Shakopee Formations of the Lower Ordovician Prairie du Chien Group of Wisconsin and Minnesota are readily differentiated on the basis of their distinctive conodont faunas. These faunas are part of the North American Midcontinent Province fauna (NAMP). The Oneota Formation contains elements of Ibexian fauna C, and represents the upper Skullrockian Stage of the Ibexian Series. The Shakopee Formation contains elements of Ibexian fauna D (NAMP), and represents at least part of the lower Stairsian Stage. The Skullrockian-Stairsian boundary and Ibexian C-D faunal boundary correspond to the Oneota-Shakopee disconformity. The Skullrockian and Stairsian Stages are the only stages of the Ibexian Series represented in the Prairie du Chien outcrop area studied for this report. Strata of the Shakopee in its type area at Shakopee, Minnesota, contain conodont elements of Ibexian fauna C. We interpret these strata to represent older strata of the Oneota Formation instead of younger, Stairsian-age strata of the Shakopee Formation, and accordingly, we reassign these strata to the Oneota.
机译:威斯康星州和明尼苏达州下奥陶纪大草原群的奥尼奥塔组和沙科皮组很容易根据其独特的牙形动物区系进行区分。这些动物区系是北美中部地区动物区系(NAMP)的一部分。 Oneota组包含Ibexian动物区系C的元素,并代表Ibexian系列的上部Skullrockian阶段。 Shakopee组包含伊比克斯动物区系D(NAMP)的元素,并且至少代表了下阶梯期的一部分。 Skullrockian-Stairsian边界和Ibexian C-D动物群边界对应于Oneota-Shakopee不一致性。 Skullrockian和Stairsian阶段是在本报告研究的Prairie du Chien露头地区中代表的伊贝西系列的唯一阶段。明尼苏达州Shakopee类型区的Shakopee地层包含伊比克斯动物群C的牙形体元素。我们解释这些层代表的是Oneota组的较旧层,而不是Shakopee组的较年轻的Stairsian年龄层,因此,我们将这些阶层重新分配给Oneota。



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