首页> 外文期刊>Micropaleontology >Actin suggests Miliamminafusca (Brady) is related to porcellaneous rather than to agglutinated foraminifera

Actin suggests Miliamminafusca (Brady) is related to porcellaneous rather than to agglutinated foraminifera


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Departement de Zoologie et Biologie Animale, Universite de Geneve, Route de Malagnou 154, CH-1224 Chene-Bougeries, Switzerland Actin in Miliamminafusca (Brady) was identified by immunoblotting with a monoclonal antibody and compared to the actin of other foraminifera, including porcellaneous-walled Miliolina and agglutinated-walled Textulariina. M.fusca possesses one ac-tin band (which molecular weight averages 46 kD), that is similar to the other Miliolina, but clearly differs from the two actin bands (at about 43 and 45 kD) observed in the other foraminifera. This result suggests a close relationship of M.fusca with porcellaneous foraminifera in contrast to modern taxonomy which places this species within the agglutinated foraminifera.
机译:瑞士日内瓦动物大学动物学与生物系,瑞士路线路线Malagnou 154,CH-1224 Chene-Bougeries,瑞士Miliamminafusca(Brady)的肌动蛋白通过单克隆抗体免疫印迹法鉴定,并与其他有孔虫的肌动蛋白进行了比较,包括多孔的壁的Miliolina和凝集的壁Textulariina。 Fusca M.fusca拥有一个ac-tin条带(平均分子量为46 kD),与另一个Miliolina相似,但明显不同于在另一个有孔虫中观察到的两个actin条带(分别为43和45 kD)。该结果表明,与现代分类学相比,毛孢镰刀菌与多孔有孔虫有密切的关系,现代分类法将该物种置于凝集的有孔虫内。



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