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Comparison of the Pluricomplex and the Classical Green Functions


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We define the fundamental solution for the Laplacian in R~N as formula (ell) Let Ω be a bounded domain in R~N with Lipschitz boundary, and fix y ∈ Ω. Then Ω is regular for the Dirichlet problem Formula (ell) That is, there is a function h_y(x), continuous on Ω, that solves this problem. Define G(x, y) = p(x-y)+h_y(x). This is the classical Green function for the Laplacian, with pole at y. It is negative And subharmonic in Ω, harmonic in Ω{y}, and tends to zero on aΩ. Near y, it Behaves like p(x-y). Furthermore, it is symmetric, that is G(y, x) = G(x, y).
机译:我们用公式(ell)定义R〜N中的拉普拉斯算子的基本解。设Ω是R〜N中具有Lipschitz边界的有界域,并固定y∈Ω。然后,对于Dirichlet问题公式(ell),Ω是正则的。也就是说,存在一个在Ω上连续的函数h_y(x)来解决此问题。定义G(x,y)= p(x-y)+ h_y(x)。这是拉普拉斯算子的经典格林函数,极点为y。它为负,次谐波为Ω,谐波为Ω{y},在aΩ时趋于零。在y附近,其行为类似于p(x-y)。此外,它是对称的,即G(y,x)= G(x,y)。



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