首页> 外文期刊>Michigan Mathematical Journal >On Boundary Regularity of Analytic Discs

On Boundary Regularity of Analytic Discs


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In this paper we study the boundary behavior of analytic discs near the zero set of a nonnegative plurisubharmonic function or a totally real submanifold of Cn . Our main result is the following. THzoasv 1.l. Let Ω be a complex manifold, p a plurisubharmonicfunction in Ω, and f:Δ→ Ω a holomorphic map of the unit disc Δ is contained in C into Ω such that p o f ≥ 0 and p o f(ξ) → 0 as ζis not an element of Δ trends to an open arc r is contained in δΔ . Assume that, for a certain point a is not an element of r, the cluster set C(f, a) contains a point p is not an elemnent of Ω such that p is strictly plurisubharmonic in a neighborkood ofp. Then f extende to a H0lder l/2-continuous mapping in a neighborkood of a on Δ U r. If, more- over, p > = 0 and thep function p` is plurisubharmonic in a neighborkood of p for some θ is no element of [1/2, l], then f is Hijlder l/2θ-continuous (Lipschitz, if 0 = l/2) in a neighborkood of a on ΔUγ.
机译:本文研究了非负次谐波函数的零集或Cn的完全实流形的零附近的解析圆盘的边界行为。我们的主要结果如下。佐佐夫1.l.设Ω为复流形,p表示次谐波函数,f:Δ→Ω,C中包含单位圆盘Δ的全纯图,其中Ω使得pof≥0和pof(ξ)→0为ζ的元素在δΔ中包含向电弧r开放的Δ趋势。假设,对于某个点a不是r的元素,群集集C(f,a)包含点p并不是Ω的元素,因此p在p的邻域中严格地是次亚谐波的。然后f扩展到在ΔU r上a的邻域中的Holder l / 2-连续映射。此外,如果p> = 0并且p函数p`在p的邻域中对于某个θ是多次谐波的,则没有[1/2,l]的元素,则f是Hijlder l /2θ-连续的(Lipschitz,如果0 = l / 2)在ΔUγ上的a的邻域中。



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