首页> 外文期刊>Michigan Mathematical Journal >Spectrum of the Laplacian on Asymptotically Euclidean Spaces

Spectrum of the Laplacian on Asymptotically Euclidean Spaces


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The Laplacian Δ for Euclidean space Rn has the following properties: (a) the essential spectrum of -Δ is [0, ∞); (b) Δ has no point spectrum, and (c) Δ has no singular continuous spectnim. If (xi , x2 , . . . , xn.) are the standard global coor- dinates on Rn, then the exhaustion function b(x) = (x~2_1 + x~2_2 + . . . + x~2_n)1/2 sat- isfies (i) |Δb| = 1 for x ≠f 0 and (ii) Hess b≠ = Zg. Here g denotes the Euclidean metrei. Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold that admits a proper exhaustion function b. If (i) and (ii) above are satisfied in a weak or approximate sense, then we would like to show that the Laplacian Δ of M has properties similar to those of the Euclidean Laplacian. This program was started in our earlier paper [6]. Under gencral averaged L2 conditions on |Δ b| and [Δb[-1| , we showed that the es- sential spectrum of -Δ is [0, ∞). More stringent pointwise decay conditions for |Hess b2 - Zg | and [ [Δbl - l [ were needed to eliminate the possibility of a point spectrum for Δ . The singular continuous spectrum was not discussed in [6].
机译:欧几里得空间Rn的拉普拉斯算子Δ具有以下特性:(a)-Δ的基本谱为[0,∞); (b)Δ没有点谱,(c)Δ没有奇异连续谱。如果(xi,x2,...,xn。)是Rn上的标准全局坐标,则穷举函数b(x)=(x〜2_1 + x〜2_2 + .. + x〜2_n)1 / 2个满足(i)|Δb|当x≠f 0且=(ii)赫斯b≠= Zg时= 1。在此,g表示欧几里得。令M为一个完全的黎曼流形,它具有一个合适的穷举函数b。如果在弱或近似意义上满足上述(i)和(ii),那么我们想证明M的拉普拉斯算子Δ具有与欧几里得拉普拉斯算子相似的性质。该程序是在我们较早的论文[6]中启动的。在一般平均L2条件下|Δb |和[Δb[-1 | ,我们证明了-Δ的基本光谱为[0,∞)。 | Hess b2-Zg |的更严格的逐点衰减条件和[[Δbl-1[需要消除Δ点谱的可能性。在[6]中没有讨论奇异连续谱。



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