首页> 外文期刊>Michigan Mathematical Journal >Configurations of Linear Subspaces and Rational Invariants

Configurations of Linear Subspaces and Rational Invariants


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Let Grn.d(C) denote the Grassmannian of all d-dimensional linear subspaces in (Cn, and let GLn(C) x (Grn.d(C))s ->(Grn.d(C))s be the canonical diagonal action. Dolgachey [DB] posed the following question: Is the quoiient Grn,2(C)s/GLn(C) (e.g., in the sense of Rosenlicht) alwavs rational? Recall that a Rosenlicht quotient of an algebraic variety X acted on by an al- gebraic group G is an algebraic variety V together with a rational map X -> V whose generic fibers coincide with the G-orbits. Such quotients always exist and are unique up to birational isomorphisms [R] . In the sequel all quotients will be as- sumed of this type. An algebraic variety Q is rational if it is birationally equivalent to Pm with m = dim Q.
机译:令Grn.d(C)表示(Cn)中所有d维线性子空间的Grassmannian,令GLn(C)x(Grn.d(C))s->(Grn.d(C))s为Dolgachey [DB]提出了以下问题:商Grn,2(C)s / GLn(C)(例如,从Rosenlicht的意义上)是否总是有理的?回忆一下代数变种X的Rosenlicht商受代数群G作用的是代数变种V以及有理图X-> V,其有理纤维与G轨道重合,这种商一直存在并且在双边同构[R]中是唯一的。如果所有代数Q均等价于Pm且m = dim Q,则代数Q是有理的。



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