首页> 外文期刊>Meat Science >Calpains and Calpastatin from Cold-shortened Bovine M. longissimus lumborum

Calpains and Calpastatin from Cold-shortened Bovine M. longissimus lumborum

机译:冷缩短牛腰肉M. longissimus lumborum的钙蛋白酶和钙蛋白酶抑素

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Sections of beef longissimus lumborum from four animals were held after 1hr post mortem at either 0° (cold-shortened) or at 15℃ (controls). After 24 hr, the levels of μ-and m-calpains were the same in both treatments and about 30% and 85% of their initial levels respectively. The level of calpastatin at 24 h was higher in cold-shortened (100%) than in controls (60% of its initial level). During subsequent storage at 4℃, the activities of calpains and calpastatin decreased similarly in extracts from both cold-shortened and control muscles. The similar levels of μ-calpain during the first 24 hr post mortem but at the lower temperature suggest that there is less activity under cold-shortening conditions. This, combined with the increased calpastatin levels, would produce less proteolysis by the calpain system. Reduced proteolysis is therefore a factor which should be considered in an understanding of the mechanism of cold-shortening toughness.
机译:死后1小时将4只动物的腰肉牛肉切片在0°(冷短)或15℃(对照)下保存。 24小时后,两种疗法中的μ-钙蛋白酶和m-钙蛋白酶的水平均相同,分别约为其初始水平的30%和85%。冷收缩期(100%)的钙蛋白酶抑素水平在24 h高于对照组(初始水平的60%)。随后在4℃储存期间,冷干和对照肌肉提取物中的钙蛋白酶和钙蛋白酶抑制素活性类似地下降。死后最初24小时内的μ-钙蛋白酶水平相似,但在较低温度下,表明冷缩条件下的活性较低。这与钙蛋白酶抑制剂水平的升高相结合,将使钙蛋白酶系统产生的蛋白水解较少。因此,减少蛋白水解是理解冷缩韧性机理时应考虑的因素。



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