首页> 外文期刊>Meat Science >Sodium lactate and storage temperature effects on shelf life of vacuum packaged beef top rounds

Sodium lactate and storage temperature effects on shelf life of vacuum packaged beef top rounds


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Cooked, vacuum-packaged beef top rounds containing up to 4/100 sodium lactate (NaL) in the final product were stored at 0, 4, 10 or 16℃ for 1.7, 14 or 21 days. Aerobic plate counts (APCs) were lower for roasts containing 3 or 4/100 NaL and stored at 10℃ for 7 days. At higher temperatures and longer storage times, only those treated with 4/100, NaL were lower than controls. Lipid oxidation, Hunter L and b values decreased and Hunter a values, cooked yields and Ph increased with NaL addition. Beefy odor decreased with storage but was higher in roasts containing NaL. Roasts with added NaL had lower rancid odor scores.
机译:最终产品中含有最多4/100乳酸钠(NaL)的真空包装的熟制真空包装牛肉条在0、4、10或16℃下保存1.7、14或21天。含有3或4/100 NaL的烤肉的有氧板数(APC)较低,并且在10℃下保存7天。在更高的温度和更长的存储时间下,只有那些用4/100 NaL处理的样品低于对照。添加NaL后,脂质氧化,Hunter L和b值降低,Hunter a值,熟得率和Ph值增加。牛肉气味随储存而降低,但在含有NaL的烤肉中则更高。添加NaL的烤肉的臭味分数较低。



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