首页> 外文期刊>Mathematics of Operations Research >Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Multi-Item Lot-Sizing Problem via Flow-Cover Inequalities

Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Multi-Item Lot-Sizing Problem via Flow-Cover Inequalities


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We study the classical capacitated multi-item lot-sizing problem with hard capacities. There are N items, each of which has a specified sequence of demands over a finite planning horizon of T discrete periods; the demands are known in advance but can vary from period to period. All demands must be satisfied on time. Each order incurs a time-dependent fixed ordering cost regardless of the combination of items or the number of units ordered, but the total number of units ordered cannot exceed a given capacity C. On the other hand, carrying inventory from period to period incurs holding costs. The goal is to find a feasible solution with minimum overall ordering and holding costs. nnWe show that the problem is strongly NP-hard, and then propose a novel facility location type LP relaxation that is based on an exponentially large subset of the well-known flow-cover inequalities; the proposed LP can be solved to optimality in polynomial time via an efficient separation procedure for this subset of inequalities. Moreover, the optimal solution of the LP can be rounded to a feasible integer solution with cost that is at most twice the optimal cost; this provides a 2-approximation algorithm which is the first constant approximation algorithm for the problem. We also describe an interesting on-the-fly variant of the algorithm that does not require solving the LP a priori with all the flow-cover inequalities. As a by-product we obtain the first theoretical proof regarding the strength of flow-cover inequalities in capacitated inventory models.
机译:我们研究具有硬容量的经典容量多项目批量问题。 N个项目,每个项目在T个离散周期的有限计划范围内都有特定的需求序列;需求是事先已知的,但可能会因期间而异。必须按时满足所有要求。无论项目的组合或订购的数量如何,每笔订单都会产生与时间有关的固定订购成本,但是订购的总数量不能超过给定的容量C。另一方面,不同时期的存货会导致持有费用。我们的目标是找到一种可行的解决方案,以最小的总体订购和维护成本。 nn我们表明问题是强烈的NP难解,然后提出了一种新颖的设施定位类型LP松弛,它基于众所周知的流量覆盖不等式的指数大子集;通过针对不等式子集的有效分离程序,可以将所提出的LP在多项式时间内求解为最优。而且,LP的最优解可以四舍五入为一个可行的整数解,其成本最多为最优成本的两倍。这提供了一个2近似算法,它是该问题的第一个常数近似算法。我们还描述了该算法的一个有趣的动态变体,该变体不需要先验求解所有流-不等式的LP。作为副产品,我们获得了有关容量有限的库存模型中流量覆盖不平等强度的第一个理论证明。



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