首页> 外文期刊>Marketing Science >A Dynamic Model of Brand Choice When Price and Advertising Signal Product Quality

A Dynamic Model of Brand Choice When Price and Advertising Signal Product Quality


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In this paper, we develop a structural model of household behavior in an environment where there is uncertainty about brand attributes and both prices and advertising signal brand quality. Four quality signaling mechanisms are at work: (1) price signals quality, (2) advertising frequency signals quality, (3) advertising content provides direct (but noisy) information about quality, and (4) use experience provides direct (but noisy) information about quality. We estimate our proposed model using scanner panel data on ketchup. If price is important as a signal of brand quality, then frequent price promotion may have the unintended consequence of reducing brand equity. We use our estimated model to measure the importance of such effects. Our results imply that price is an important quality-signaling mechanism and that frequent price cuts can have significant adverse effects on brand equity. The role of advertising frequency in signaling quality is also significant, but it is less quantitatively important than price. nIn the printed version of Marketing Science, Vol. 27, No. 6, Erdem et al. (2008) was mistakenly identified as a Research Note. It is a regular article and has been corrected here and in the online table of contents.
机译:在本文中,我们开发了在品牌属性以及价格和广告信号品牌质量都不确定的环境中家庭行为的结构模型。四个质量信号机制正在起作用:(1)价格信号质量,(2)广告频率信号质量,(3)广告内容提供有关质量的直接(但嘈杂)信息,以及(4)使用经验提供直接(但嘈杂)有关质量的信息。我们使用番茄酱上的扫描仪面板数据估算我们提出的模型。如果价格作为品牌质量的标志很重要,那么频繁的价格促销可能会导致品牌资产减少的意外后果。我们使用估计的模型来衡量此类影响的重要性。我们的结果表明,价格是重要的质量信号传递机制,频繁的降价可能会对品牌资产产生重大不利影响。广告频率在信号质量中的作用也很重要,但在数量上没有价格重要。 n在市场营销科学杂志的印刷版中。 27,第6号,Erdem等。 (2008)被误认为是研究笔记。这是一篇常规文章,并已在此处和在线目录中更正。



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