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Explaining Bundle-Framing Effects with Signaling Theory


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Many sellers bundle add-ons (e.g., in-flight entertainment, hotel amenities) with core services (e.g., transportation, lodging). One surprising empirical finding is that consumers often believe bundle frames provide greater value than equivalent unbundle frames ($10 $9 + $1) despite equal all-inclusive prices. Although these context or framing effects appear irrational in isolation, the bundle-framing effect might reflect market relationships caused by underlying seller motives. We show that bundling can signal information about product appeal, that is, popularity. Specifically, only sellers of wide-appeal (popular) add-ons (e.g., well-liked entertainment, sought-after hotel amenities, standard side salads, popular excursions) have an incentive to bundle their add-ons with their core products (e.g., flights, hotel rooms, restaurant entrees, cruise trips). By contrast, sellers of narrow-appeal (niche) add-ons (e.g., unorthodox entertainment, unpopular amenities, exotic side salads, unusual excursions) find that bundling is undesirable because they lose core revenue. Consequently, bundling can convey information about horizontally differentiated markets even when the total all-inclusive price equals that of unbundling. Perhaps some presumed consumer biases can reveal market relationships. Frames provide information about the framer.
机译:许多卖家将附加组件(例如机上娱乐,酒店设施)与核心服务(例如交通,住宿)捆绑在一起。一个令人惊讶的经验发现是,尽管全包价格相等,消费者通常认为捆绑式框架提供的价值要大于同等的捆绑式框架($ 10> $ 9 + $ 1)。尽管这些上下文或框架效应孤立地显得不合理,但捆绑框架效应可能反映了潜在卖方动机引起的市场关系。我们表明捆绑销售可以传达有关产品吸引力(即受欢迎程度)的信息。具体而言,只有具有广泛吸引力(受欢迎)的附加组件(例如,受欢迎的娱乐,备受追捧的酒店设施,标准色拉,受欢迎的游览)的卖家才有动机将其附加组件与核心产品捆绑在一起(例如, ,航班,酒店客房,餐厅主菜,邮轮旅行)。相比之下,狭窄吸引力(小众)附加组件(例如,非正统的娱乐活动,不受欢迎的便利设施,异国情调的沙拉,不寻常的游览)的卖家发现捆绑销售是不可取的,因为它们会损失核心收入。因此,即使总的包容价格等于捆绑价格,捆绑也可以传达有关水平差异市场的信息。也许某些假定的消费者偏见可以揭示市场关系。框架提供有关成帧器的信息。



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