首页> 外文期刊>Marine Pollution Bulletin >Recovery of Marine Periphyton Communities Around a Swedish Marina After the Ban of TBT Use in Antifouling Paint

Recovery of Marine Periphyton Communities Around a Swedish Marina After the Ban of TBT Use in Antifouling Paint


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The pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT) concept was used to investigate effects of tri-n-butyltin (TBT) on marine periphyton communities on the Swedish west coast. Earlier field and microcosm studies demonstrated the validity of the PICT approach for such investigations. In the present study, the TBT tolerance of periphyton communities sampled from the field was shown to decrease successively as TBT concentrations in the water decreased during the years that followed after the TBT ban in 1989. This decrease in community tolerance over the years indicates that the selection pressure from TBT on the periphyton organisms slowly vanished. This report contributes with an additional piece of evidence that PICT is able specifically to detect minor TBT effects on periphyton and discriminate this toxicity from the influence of other environmental factors in the ecosystem.
机译:污染诱导的社区耐受性(PICT)概念用于调查三正丁基锡(TBT)对瑞典西海岸海洋水生植物群落的影响。较早的现场和微观研究证明了PICT方法在此类调查中的有效性。在本研究中,从1989年禁止使用TBT后的数年中,随着水体中TBT浓度的降低,从田间采样的围生植物群落的TBT耐受性逐渐降低。 TBT对周生植物的选择压力逐渐消失。该报告提供了另外的证据,即PICT能够专门检测出对底生生物的较小TBT效应,并将这种毒性与生态系统中其他环境因素的影响区分开。



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