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Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in Prince William Sound, Alaska: Effects of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

机译:Eelgrass(Zostera marina L.)在阿拉斯加威廉王子湾(Prince William Sound):埃克森·瓦尔迪兹溢油的影响

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Possible injury to, and recovery of, populations of eelgrass, Zostera marina L., in Prince William Sound were assessed following the Exxon Valdez oil spill by comparing populations at oiled vs reference sites between 1990 and 1995. Eelgrass beds in heavily oiled bays were exposed to moderate concentrations of hydrocarbons. In 1990, a year after the spill, concentrations of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons averaged nearly 4000 ng g~(-1) dry weight of sediment at oiled sites compared to less than 700 ng g~(-1) at reference sites. Injuries to eelgrass, if any, appeared to be slight and did not persist for more than a year after the spill. There were possible effects on the average density of shoots and flowering shoots, as these were 24 and 62% lower at oiled than at reference sites in 1990 (p < 0.10 for both). However, there were no differences between oiled and reference sites with respect to eelgrass biomass, seed density, seed germination or the incidence of normal mitosis in seedlings, and there were no signs of the elimination of eelgrass beds. Populations recovered from possible injuries by 1991, as there was a sharp decline in hydrocarbon concentrations and there were no differences in shoot or flowering shoot densities between oiled and reference sites in 1990 or subsequent years.
机译:在埃克森·瓦尔迪兹溢油事件发生后,通过比较1990年至1995年间上油地点与参考地点的种群,评估了威廉王子湾鳗鱼草(Zostera marina L.)种群可能遭受的伤害并恢复了种群。重油海湾中的鳗草床暴露在外到中等浓度的碳氢化合物。 1990年,即泄漏事故发生的一年后,含油地点的沉积物干物质平均总多环芳烃浓度接近4000 ng g〜(-1),而参考地点的平均不到700 ng g〜(-1)。鳗鱼草的伤害,如果有的话,似乎是轻微的,并且在泄漏后一年没有持续。可能会对芽和开花枝的平均密度产生影响,因为上油时这些芽的密度分别比参考部位低24%和62%(两者均p <0.10)。但是,上油部位和参考部位在鳗草生物量,种子密度,种子发芽或幼苗中正常有丝分裂的发生率方面没有差异,也没有消除鳗草床的迹象。到1991年,由于碳氢化合物浓度急剧下降,并且上油地点和参考地点之间的枝条或开花枝条密度没有差异,到1991年,种群已从可能的伤害中恢复过来。



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