首页> 外文期刊>Marine Pollution Bulletin >The Impacts of Pollution on the Growth, Reproduction and Population Structure of Hong Kong Limpets

The Impacts of Pollution on the Growth, Reproduction and Population Structure of Hong Kong Limpets


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The impacts of pollution on the growth, reproduction and population structure of two Hong Kong limpets, Patelloida saccharina and Patelloida pygmaea, have been investigated. Specimens were collected from four study sites; Stonecutters Island in Victoria Harbour (heavily polluted) and three other sites experiencing lesser levels of contamination; Discovery Bay, Repulse Bay and Cape d'Aguilar (clean) and which together form a transect set from the more polluted, estuarine, northwest to the less polluted, oceanic, south-east in Hong Kong waters. At Stonecutters Island, P. saccharina and P. pygmaea showed significantly higher gonosomatic index (GSI) values, a shorter recruitment period, lower density but a significantly larger individual size in comparison with individuals from the other relatively cleaner sites. This can be explained as a phenotypic adaptation, in terms of the two species' life history tactics and sexual strategies, to a polluted environment, facilitating individual survival and reproduction.
机译:调查了污染对两个香港帽贝(Patelloida saccharina和Patelloida pygmaea)的生长,繁殖和种群结构的影响。从四个研究地点收集标本。维多利亚港的昂船洲(污染严重)和其他三个污染程度较低的地点;愉景湾,浅水湾和阿吉拉尔角(干净),共同构成一个横断面,从香港水域的污染较重的河口西北至污染较轻的海洋东南部。在昂船洲上,与其他相对较干净的地区的个体相比,P。saccharina和P. pygmaea的淋病指数(GSI)显着较高,募集时间较短,密度较低,但个体大小却明显更大。就这两个物种的生活史策略和性行为策略而言,这可以解释为表型适应,以适应受污染的环境,从而促进个体的生存和繁殖。



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