首页> 外文期刊>Marine Pollution Bulletin >Toxic Effects of Cadmium on Fertilizing Capability of Spermatozoa, Dynamics of the First Cleavage and Pluteus Formation in the Sea Urchin Anthocidaris crassispina (Agassiz)

Toxic Effects of Cadmium on Fertilizing Capability of Spermatozoa, Dynamics of the First Cleavage and Pluteus Formation in the Sea Urchin Anthocidaris crassispina (Agassiz)

机译:镉对海胆Anthocidaris crassispina(Agassiz)精子受精能力,第一分裂的动力学和幼虫形成的毒性作用

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Effects of cadmium on the fertilizing capability of spermatozoa, dynamics of the first cleavage and pluteus formation in the sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina, were investigated. Exposure to cadmium concentrations of 0.32, 0.56, 1.0, 1.8, 3.2, 5.6 and 10.0 mg l~(-1) for 30 min caused a significant adverse effect on the fertilizing capability of spermatozoa (EC_(50) = 1.7 mg l~(-1)). For the first cleavage kinetics assay, eggs were pre-exposed to 0, 0.18, 0.32, 0.56, 1.0, 1.8, 3.2 and 5.6 mg l~(-1) of cadmium for 30 min. Fresh sperms of fixed concentrations were then added to the eggs and the percentage of divided zygotes estimated. Concentration-dependent toxic effects on the dynamics of the first cleavage in A. crassispina were observed between 0.18 and 5.6 mg l~(-1) cadmium. Calculation of EC_(50) values by probit analysis at different stages of the first cleavage revealed that EC_(50) values increased gradually from 0.37 mg l~(-1) at the beginning to 2.24 mg l~(-1) at the end of the cleavage process. Different larval classes (normal, abnormal and retarded plutei, preplutei, dead embryos/larvae) of A. crassispina obtained from eggs pre-treated with cadmium for 30 min and then exposed to cadmium throughout embryogenesis were also examined. The percentage of abnormal plutei was significantly higher than that of the control at 0.56 mg l~(-1) cadmium and higher. The 48 h EC_(50) calculated for the number of normal plutei was 1.5 mg l~(-1). A χ~2-test revealed significant changes in the distribution of proportions of different larval classes only at cadmium concentrations ≥ 1.8 mg l~(-1). At 5.6 mg l~(-1) of cadmium, small malformed plutei, and oval embryos with rudimentary skeleton, poorly differentiated intestines and no mouth (pre-pluteus stage) were observed. The relative sensitivity of various end points to cadmium is also compared and discussed.
机译:研究了镉对海胆Anthocidaris crassispina精子受精能力,第一次卵裂的动力学和排卵期形成的影响。暴露于镉浓度分别为0.32、0.56、1.0、1.8、3.2、5.6和10.0 mg l〜(-1)的30分钟对精子的受精能力有明显的不利影响(EC_(50)= 1.7 mg l〜(-1) -1))。对于第一次裂解动力学测定,将鸡蛋预先暴露于0、0.18、0.32、0.56、1.0、1.8、3.2和5.6 mg l(-1)的镉中30分钟。然后将固定浓度的新鲜精子添加到卵中,并估计分裂受精卵的百分比。在0.18至5.6 mg l〜(-1)镉之间观察到浓度对A. crassispina卵裂的动力学影响。通过第一次分裂的不同阶段的概率分析计算EC_(50)值,发现EC_(50)值从开始时的0.37 mg l〜(-1)逐渐增加到结束时的2.24 mg l〜(-1)。分裂过程。还检查了从用镉预处理30分钟并随后在整个胚发生过程中暴露于镉的卵中获得的A. crassispina的不同幼虫类别(正常,异常和发育迟缓的生殖器,前置生殖器,死胚/幼虫)。镉含量为0.56 mg l〜(-1)时,异常痰的百分比显着高于对照组。正常pl的计算得出的48 h EC_(50)为1.5 mg l〜(-1)。 χ2检验表明,仅在镉浓度≥1.8 mg l〜(-1)时,不同幼体类别的比例分布才发生显着变化。镉为5.6 mg l〜(-1)时,观察到畸形的小畸胎和具有粗糙骨骼的卵形胚胎,肠分化差且没有嘴(肥大前阶段)。还比较和讨论了各种终点对镉的相对敏感性。



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