首页> 外文期刊>Marine Pollution Bulletin >Cement Dust Pollution as a Cause of Sea Turtle Hatchling Mortality at Ras Baridi, Saudi Arabia

Cement Dust Pollution as a Cause of Sea Turtle Hatchling Mortality at Ras Baridi, Saudi Arabia


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The effects of cement dust on hatchling survival are discussed. An estimated 120 tonnes of partially processed cement dust is carried daily by predominant winds and smothers Saudi Arabia's most important mainland sea turtle nesting beaches. In places, the fine-particle dust has accumulated to depths of > 100 cm with a resulting decrease in hatchling emergence. It was found that a relatively hard dome was created above the clutch during the 'filling-in' segment of the nesting process and during incubation, resulting in less than 40% hatchling emergence success. Eggs were found to develop naturally and hatch, but the hatchlings could not emerge from the nest. Subsequent conservation efforts involved marking all nest cavities during the nesting period, followed by nest excavation after the incubation period. Hatchling emergence was raised to nearly 80% in this manner.
机译:讨论了水泥粉尘对孵化成活率的影响。估计每天有120吨经部分处理的水泥粉尘被主要风吹走,并窒息沙特阿拉伯最重要的大陆海龟筑巢海滩。在某些地方,细粉尘已积累到> 100 cm的深度,从而减少了孵化的出现。发现在嵌套过程的“填充”阶段和孵化过程中,在离合器上方形成了一个相对较硬的圆顶,导致孵化成功的发生率不到40%。发现卵自然生长并孵化,但是孵化的卵不能从巢中出来。随后的保护工作包括在筑巢期间标记所有筑巢腔,然后在孵化期之后挖掘筑巢。孵化出苗以这种方式提高到近80%。



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