首页> 外文期刊>Marine Pollution Bulletin >Concentrations of Alkyphenol Polyethoxylates Entering UK Estuaries

Concentrations of Alkyphenol Polyethoxylates Entering UK Estuaries


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Concentrations of the weakly oestrogenic degradation products of alkylphenol polyethoxylate (APE) surfac- tants (nonylphenol, octylphenol, nonylphenol mono- ethoxylatc and nonylphenol diethoxylate) were measured in water and sediments from British rivers and estuaries collected during l994 and l995. In addition, a series of samples of tissues of wild fish from the River Aire, and from a laboratory dosing experiment were analysed for alkylphenols, to assess the degree of bioaccumulation of these compounds. Measurable concentrations of APE residues were recorded in the River Aire (l5--76 pg/I total extractable alkylphenols), the River Mersey (6--1l pg/l) and the Tees estuary (up to 76 llg/l). These levels exceed, or are close to, the no observed effect concentration for the induction of vitellogenesis in caged trout (5--20 llg/l totaI extractable alkylphenols), and may be sufficient to exert an oestrogenic effect on fish populations in these areas. A sediment sample from Bingley on the River Aire contained 15 mug/g (dry weight) nonylphenol, and concentrations in sediments from the Tees and Mersey estuaries exceeded l Ug/g. These rivers receive a variety of trade waters via sewage treatment works (STW) effluents containing significant concentrations of APE. Elsewhere, concentrations in water and sediments were near or below limits of detection and biological effects are unlikely, suggesting that any oestrogenic effects observed in sewage outfalls and rivers not directly impacted by APE-containing trade- waters may be caused by other chemicals.
机译:在1994和1995年间从英国河流和河口收集的水和沉积物中,测量了烷基酚聚乙氧基化物(APE)表面活性剂(壬基酚,辛基酚,壬基酚单乙氧基和壬基酚二乙氧基化物)的弱雌激素降解产物的浓度。另外,分析了来自艾尔河和实验室定量实验的一系列野生鱼组织样品中的烷基酚,以评估这些化合物的生物蓄积程度。在艾尔河(1-5-76 pg / l总可提取烷基酚),默西河(6--1l pg / l)和蒂斯河口(最高76 llg / l)中记录了可测量的APE残留浓度。这些水平超过或接近了未观察到的网箱鳟鱼卵黄诱导的有效浓度(5--20 llg / l总可提取烷基酚),可能足以对这些地区的鱼类种群产生雌激素作用。在艾尔河上宾利的沉积物样本含15杯/克(干重)壬基酚,蒂斯和默西河口的沉积物浓度超过1克/克。这些河流通过含有大量APE的污水处理厂(STW)废水接收各种贸易水。在其他地方,水和沉积物中的浓度接近或低于检测极限,并且不太可能产生生物学效应,这表明在污水排放口和河流中观察到的任何雌激素效应均不受其他含APE的贸易水的直接影响。



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