首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >Coral reef health response to chronic and acute changes in water quality in St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands

Coral reef health response to chronic and acute changes in water quality in St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands


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It is suspected that land cover alteration on the southern coast of St. Thomas, USVI has increased runoff, degrading nearshore water quality and coral reef health. Chronic and acute changes in water quality, sediment deposition, and coral health metrics were assessed in three zones based upon perceived degree of human influence. Chlorophyll (p < 0.0001) and turbidity (p = 0.0113) were significantly higher in nearshore zones and in the high impact zone during heavy precipitation. Net sediment deposition and terrigenous content increased in nearshore zones during periods of greater precipitation and port activity. Macroalgae overgrowth significantly increased along a gradient of decreasing water quality (p < 0.0001). Coral bleaching in all zones peaked in November with a regional thermal stress event (p < 0.0001). However, mean bleaching prevalence was significantly greater in the most impacted zone compared to the offshore zone (p = 0.0396), suggesting a link between declining water quality and bleaching severity. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:有人怀疑,USVI圣托马斯南部海岸的土地覆被变化增加了径流量,降低了近岸水质和珊瑚礁健康。根据对人类影响的感知程度,在三个区域评估了水质,沉积物沉积和珊瑚健康指标的慢性和急性变化。在强降水期间,近岸区和高影响区的叶绿素(p <0.0001)和浊度(p = 0.0113)显着较高。在降水量和港口活动增加的时期,近岸区域的沉积物净沉积和陆源含量增加。大型藻类的过度生长沿水质下降的梯度显着增加(p <0.0001)。 11月,所有区域的珊瑚白化均达到峰值,出现了区域性热应力事件(p <0.0001)。但是,与沿海地区相比,受灾最严重的地区的平均漂白率要高得多(p = 0.0396),这表明水质下降和漂白严重程度之间存在联系。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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