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Assessment of the environmental quality of coastal sediments by using a combination of in vitro bioassays


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The environmental quality of marine sediments collected in the area of influence of the Po and Danube Rivers was assessed by using a battery of bioassays based on the use of PLHC-1 cells, zebrafish-Pxr-transfected COS-7 cells, and sea bass ovarian subcellular fractions. This allowed the determination of multiple endpoints, namely, cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, induction of CYP1A, activation of zebrafish Pxr and inhibition of ovarian aromatase. Organic extracts of sediments influenced by the Danube River and collected near harbors and urban discharges showed significant cytotoxicity, CYP1A induction and inhibition of aromatase activity. An analogous response of CYP1A induction and zfPxr activation was observed, which suggests the existence of common ligands of AhR and PXR in the sediment extracts. The study highlights the usefulness of the selected bioassays to identify those sediments that could pose a risk to aquatic organisms and that require further action in order to improve their environmental quality. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:通过使用基于PLHC-1细胞,斑马鱼-Pxr转染的COS-7细胞和鲈鱼卵巢的一系列生物测定,评估了在波河和多瑙河影响区域收集的海洋沉积物的环境质量。亚细胞级分。这使得可以确定多个终点,即细胞毒性,氧化应激,CYP1A的诱导,斑马鱼Pxr的激活和卵巢芳香化酶的抑制。受多瑙河影响并在港口和城市排放附近收集的沉积物有机提取物表现出显着的细胞毒性,CYP1A诱导和芳香酶活性抑制作用。观察到CYP1A诱导和zfPxr活化的类似反应,这表明在沉积物提取物中存在AhR和PXR的常见配体。这项研究强调了选定的生物测定方法的有用性,以鉴定那些可能对水生生物构成危险并需要采取进一步行动以改善其环境质量的沉积物。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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