首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >Use of Tisbe biminiensis nauplii in ecotoxicological tests and geochemical analyses to assess the sediment quality of a tropical urban estuary in northeastern Brazil

Use of Tisbe biminiensis nauplii in ecotoxicological tests and geochemical analyses to assess the sediment quality of a tropical urban estuary in northeastern Brazil

机译:Tisbe biminiensis nauplii在生态毒理学测试和地球化学分析中的应用,以评估巴西东北部一个热带城市河口的沉积物质量

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An approach pooling geochemical analyses and ecotoxicological tests has been applied to assess the sediment quality of the Capibaribe River Estuary, Brazil. Toxicity tests were performed to compare a well-established, labor-intensive protocol using ovigerous females to a new, easier and faster protocol using nauplii of the epibenthic marine copepodTisbe biminiensis. The endpoints of the nauplii toxicity test were comparable to those of the female test. Nauplii proved to be more sensitive than females as a biological model for indicating sediment toxicity. All sediments collected had at least one contaminant above the threshold effects level (TEL) proposed in the literature. Furthermore, more than one-third of samples exhibited contaminants above the probable effects level (PEL). The PCA revealed that nauplii mortality was associated with metals in October 2014, which was confirmed by the Spearman correlation factor. In contrast, no strong association among contaminants and toxicological endpoints in May 2015 was found.
机译:已采用一种汇集地球化学分析和生态毒理学测试的方法来评估巴西卡比巴里贝河河口的沉积物质量。进行了毒性测试,以比较使用雌雄同体的成熟,劳动强度大的操作规程与使用表皮海生pe足类小脚TiTisbe biminiensis的无节幼体的新的,更轻松,更快的操作规程。无节幼体毒性试验的终点与女性试验相当。作为指示沉积物毒性的生物学模型,瑙普利人比女性更敏感。收集的所有沉积物至少有一种污染物高于文献中提出的阈值影响水平(TEL)。此外,超过三分之一的样本显示出超过可能影响水平(PEL)的污染物。 PCA透露,2014年10月,无节幼体死亡率与金属有关,这一点已通过Spearman相关因子得到证实。相比之下,2015年5月在污染物和毒理学终点之间未发现强关联。



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