首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >The use of anthropogenic marine debris as a nesting material by brown boobies (Sula leucogaster)

The use of anthropogenic marine debris as a nesting material by brown boobies (Sula leucogaster)

机译:人为海洋垃圾作为棕色ogenic鸟(Sula leucogaster)的筑巢材料的用途

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Marine debris is pervasive worldwide, and affects biota negatively. We compared the characteristics of debris incorporated within brown booby (Sula leucogaster) nests throughout their pantropical distribution by assessing the type, colour and mass of debris items within nests and in beach transects at 18 sites, to determine if nests are indicators of the amount of debris in local marine environments. Debris was present in 14.4% of nests surveyed, with the proportion of nests with debris varying among sites (range: 0–100%). There was minimal overlap between the type or colour of debris found in nests and on adjacent beaches at individual sites. This suggests that brown boobies do not select debris uniformly across their distribution. We propose that the nests of brown boobies can be used as a sentinel of marine debris pollution of their local environment.
机译:海洋垃圾遍布世界各地,并对生物区系产生负面影响。我们通过评估18个地点的巢内和海滩样带中的残骸种类,颜色和质量,比较了棕色蛇(Sula leucogaster)巢在整个热带分布中掺入的残骸的特征,以确定巢是否是水体数量的指​​标。当地海洋环境中的碎片。在调查的巢中有碎片的占14.4%,不同地点巢中有碎片的比例也有所不同(范围:0–100%)。在巢穴和各个地点的相邻海滩上发现的碎片类型或颜色之间的重叠最小。这表明棕色笨蛋在它们的分布范围内不会均匀地选择碎片。我们建议将棕色bo鸟巢用作其当地环境对海洋垃圾污染的前哨。



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