首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >Baseline physio-chemical characteristics of Sydney estuary water under quiescent conditions

Baseline physio-chemical characteristics of Sydney estuary water under quiescent conditions


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The current study establishes baseline water quality properties for Sydney estuary, Australia for long periods of quiescence, which characterize the region. The study was undertaken in response to numerous requests for such data by researchers, government agencies and contractors.During quiescent periods, the range in Secchi depth transparency, turbidity, salinity and total suspended solid (TSS) values was 0.3–5.3 m, 18.6–0.1 NTU, 26.4–35.3 PSU and 8.3–1.0 mg/L in the upper and lower estuary, respectively. Baseline particulate metal concentrations were high, however TSS metal mass was greater during high rainfall.Tables and GIS-based maps allow baseline physio-chemical values to be extracted from the database for any location in Sydney estuary for quiescent conditions. Strong inter-parameter baseline relationships enable interpolation between water quality data. Baseline physio-chemical values were used to assess the impact of a high-precipitation event to demonstrate the utility of the new database.
机译:当前的研究确定了澳大利亚悉尼河口长期处于静止状态的基线水质特性,这是该地区的特征。这项研究是针对研究人员,政府机构和承包商对此类数据的众多要求而进行的。在静止期,Secchi深度透明度,浊度,盐度和总悬浮固体(TSS)值的范围为0.3-5.3μm,18.6-。上河口和下河口分别为0.1 NTU,26.4–35.3 PSU和8.3–1.0 mg / L。基线微粒金属浓度很高,但是在高降雨期间TSS金属质量更大。表格和基于GIS的地图允许从数据库中提取悉尼河口任何处于静止状态的基线理化值。强大的参数间基线关系可实现水质数据之间的插值。基线理化值用于评估高降水事件的影响,以证明新数据库的实用性。



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