首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >A simple model of wind-blown tidal strandlines: How marine litter is deposited on a mid-latitude, macro-tidal shelf sea beach

A simple model of wind-blown tidal strandlines: How marine litter is deposited on a mid-latitude, macro-tidal shelf sea beach


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A simple hypothesis-driven model of how floating marine plastic litter is blown onto a beach, and then moved on and off the beach by winds and rising and falling water levels is implemented in a computer simulation. The simulation applied to Aberdeen beach, Scotland, suggests that the interaction between varying winds and water levels alone, coupled to an assumed constant offshore floating litter density, can account for 1) the order of magnitude of the long term average (2000−2010) beach plastic litter loading (observed = 127 np/100 m, simulated = 114 np/100 m); 2) the observed frequency spectrum of low water beach plastic litter loadings; 3) the magnitude of the ratio between offshore floating plastic litter densities and onshore beach plastic litter loadings; 4) zero overall net beach plastic litter accumulation. Results are relevant to beach survey design, designing methods to estimate litter accumulation rates and the setting of MSFD beach litter targets.
机译:在计算机模拟中,实现了一个简单的假设驱动模型,该模型将漂浮的海洋塑料垃圾吹到海滩上,然后通过风以及上升和下降的水位在海滩上上下移动。应用于苏格兰阿伯丁海滩的模拟表明,仅变化的风和水位之间的相互作用,再加上假定的恒定的海上漂浮垃圾密度,就可以解释1)长期平均值(2000-2010)的数量级。沙滩塑料垃圾装载量(观察到的= 127 np / 100 m,模拟= 114 np / 100 m); 2)观察到的低水滩塑料垃圾装载量的频谱; 3)海上浮动塑料垃圾密度与陆上海滩塑料垃圾装载量之比的大小; 4)沙滩塑料垃圾的总净积为零。结果与沙滩调查设计,估计垃圾堆积率的设计方法以及MSFD沙滩垃圾目标的设定有关。



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