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Simultaneous grading of microplastic size sampling in the Small Islands of Bintan water, Indonesia


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Despite Indonesia being considered as second highest source of marine plastic debris in the world, few studies have been conducted on plastic debris in Indonesia, particularly microplastics. By using a simple device to simultaneously grade floating microplastics, we investigated microplastic contamination in the ecosystem of small islands in Bintan Regency, Riau Island Province, Indonesia. The average number of floating microplastics from 11 beach stations around Bintan Island was 122.8 ± 67.8 pieces per station, which corresponds to 0.45 pieces per m3and represents a low-medium microplastic pollution level compared to the levels of other marine environments worldwide. Polymer identification using Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) Spectroscopy successfully identified Polyethylene (PE) (17.3 ± 8.3%), Low Density PE (17.6 ± 5.5%), Oxidized LDPE (0.1%), Polypropylene (PP) (54 ± 13%), PP Atactic (0.4%), PP isotactic (0.2%) and Polystyrene (PS) (10.4 ± 9.1%) from different forms and shapes of microplastics i.e., fragments (50.9 ± 4.9%), fibers (26.2 ± 3%), granule (13.1 ± 3.8%) and films (9.8 ± 5.1%). We suggest that the generation of these microplastics was likely due to physicochemical processes, including biological degradation in this tropical ecosystem. Environmental implication of microplastics in this area increases the problems associated with ingestion, bioaccumulation and biomagnification across trophic levels and co-pollutants absorbed onto microplastics.
机译:尽管印度尼西亚被认为是世界上海洋塑料碎片的第二大来源,但对印度尼西亚的塑料碎片,特别是微塑料的研究很少。通过使用简单的设备同时对漂浮的微塑料进行分级,我们调查了印度尼西亚廖内岛省民丹摄政区小岛生态系统中的微塑料污染。民丹岛附近11个海滩站的漂浮微塑料的平均数量为每站122.8±67.8件,相当于每立方米0.45件,与全球其他海洋环境相比,这是低中微塑料污染水平。使用衰减全反射傅里叶变换红外(ATR-FTIR)光谱进行聚合物鉴定,成功鉴定出聚乙烯(PE)(17.3%±8.3%),低密度PE(17.6%±5.5%),氧化LDPE(<0.1%),聚丙烯(PP) )(54%±13%),PP无规立构(<0.4%),PP等规立构(<0.2%)和聚苯乙烯(PS)(10.4±±9.1%),来自不同形式和形状的微塑料,即碎片(50.9±±4.9%) ,纤维(26.2%±3%),颗粒(13.1%±3.8%)和薄膜(9.8%±5.1%)。我们建议这些微塑料的产生可能是由于理化过程,包括在这个热带生态系统中的生物降解。微塑料在该领域的环境影响增加了与营养,营养水平和吸收到微塑料上的共污染物有关的摄入,生物积累和生物放大相关的问题。



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