首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >Litter impacts on beach/dune systems along the Atlantico Department, the Caribbean Coastline of Colombia

Litter impacts on beach/dune systems along the Atlantico Department, the Caribbean Coastline of Colombia


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Eight beach/dune systems located along the Atlantico Department, Caribbean coast of Colombia were surveyed to determine litter influences over its scenic quality. Application of the Coastal Scenic Evaluation System (CSES) categorized these systems into two of the five available classes. Five of the investigated beach/dune systems belong to Class IV, while three systems correspond to V. Classes I, II and III were not found. Along these beach/dune systems, a total amount of 1908 litter items were collected with average abundances of 4.2 items/m2. Currently, 82% of surveyed sites are under an unacceptable condition of cleanness. User's habits as well as bad litter management practices are directly responsible for the decline of scenic quality of the Atlantico Department beach/dune systems. Litter management must be centered on strategies to eliminate or minimize litter sources. Specific remedial actions need to be defined and developed.
机译:沿着哥伦比亚加勒比海沿岸大西洋省的八个海滩/沙丘系统进行了调查,以确定垃圾对其风景质量的影响。沿海风景评估系统(CSES)的应用将这些系统分为五个可用类别中的两个。被调查的海滩/沙丘系统中有五个属于IV类,而三个系统对应于V类。找不到I,II和III类。沿着这些海滩/沙丘系统,总共收集了1908窝垃圾,平均丰度为4.2立方米/平方米。目前,有82%的被调查场所处于不可接受的清洁状态。用户的习惯以及不当的垃圾管理习惯直接导致了Atlantico Department海滩/沙丘系统的风景质量下降。垃圾管理必须以消除或减少垃圾来源的策略为中心。需要定义和制定具体的补救措施。



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