首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >From banana fields to the deep blue: Assessment of chlordecone contamination of oceanic cetaceans in the eastern Caribbean

From banana fields to the deep blue: Assessment of chlordecone contamination of oceanic cetaceans in the eastern Caribbean


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In the French West Indies (Caribbean), the insecticide Chlordecone (CLD) has been extensively used to reduce banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) infestations in banana plantations. Previous studies have shown high CLD concentrations in freshwater and coastal communities of the region. CLD concentrations, however, have not yet been assessed in marine top predators. We investigated CLD concentrations in cetacean blubber tissues from Guadeloupe, includingPhyseter macrocephalus,Lagenodelphis hosei,Stenella attenuataandPseudorca crassidens. Chlordecone was detected in all blubber samples analysed, with the exception of fourP. macrocephalus.Concentrations (range: 1 to 329 ng·g−1of lipid weight) were, however, lower than those found in species from fresh and brackish water. Ecological factors (open ocean habitat), CLD kinetics, and cetacean metabolism (high or specific enzymatic activity) might explain low concentrations found in cetacean blubber. Future analyses that include internal organ sampling would help to confirm CLD levels observed in this study.
机译:在法属西印度群岛(加勒比海),杀虫剂十氯酮(CLD)已被广泛用于减少香蕉种植园中香蕉象鼻虫(Cosmopolites sordidus)的侵袭。先前的研究表明,该地区的淡水和沿海社区的CLD浓度较高。但是,尚未对海洋顶级捕食者中的CLD浓度进行评估。我们调查了瓜德罗普岛鲸类鲸脂组织中的CLD浓度,包括大头畸形虫,小黑喉藻,淡水史丹和Pseudorca crassidens。在所有分析的润滑脂样品中均检测到了十氯酮,除了fourP。然而,其浓度(脂重的范围为1至329 ng·g-1)低于淡水和微咸水中物种的浓度。生态因素(开放海洋栖息地),CLD动力学和鲸类新陈代谢(高或特定的酶活性)可能解释了鲸类脂中的低浓度。包括内部器官采样在内的未来分析将有助于确认本研究中观察到的CLD水平。



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