首页> 外文期刊>Marine Environmental Research >Studies of the Molecular Basis of Gonadal Tumors in the Marine Bivalve, Mya arenaria

Studies of the Molecular Basis of Gonadal Tumors in the Marine Bivalve, Mya arenaria


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Epizootiological studies of gonadal tumors of Maine soft-shell clams (Mya are- naria) have shown prevalences of over 20/100 in certain populations in eastern Maine. The etiology of these tumors is unknown, and both environmental as well as genetic factors may play a role. In order to investigate the effect of exposure to environmental contaminants, we initiated a short-tem exposure study of M. arenaria to [~3H] tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin ([~3H]TCDD). Gill, digestive gland, foot and gonad were sampled up to two weeks after a 24-h exposure to a low dose (10 parts per trillion or pptr) or high dose (2000 pptr) of [~3H] TCDD in the water.
机译:缅因州软壳蛤(Mya arenaria)的性腺肿瘤的流行病学研究表明,缅因州东部某些人群的患病率超过20/100。这些肿瘤的病因尚不清楚,环境因素和遗传因素都可能起作用。为了调查暴露于环境污染物的影响,我们启动了沙蒿分枝杆菌对[〜3H]四氯二苯并-对-二恶英([〜3H] TCDD)的短期暴露研究。在水中接触低剂量(约10万亿分之一或pptr)或高剂量(2000 pptr)[〜3H] TCDD 24小时后的两周内,对G,消化腺,足和性腺进行采样。



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