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Contemporary patterns of mercury contamination in the Portuguese Atlantic inferred from mercury concentrations in seabird tissues


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Mercury concentrations in 1809 egg and plumage samples of adults and chicks of seabirds from colonies in the Portuguese Atlantic (30-40 N, 8-32 W) were determined. Species and tissues were selected to ensure varied levels of ecological (epipelagic vs mesopelagic), spatial (coastal vs pelagic) and temporal (short-to medium-term) integration of mercury contamination. There was an overall general agreement in the information provided by species and types of tissues employed. Results show a four-fold increase in mercury bioaccumulation from the epipelagic to the mesopelagic compartment. Fourteen out of 20 inter-location comparisons of mercury concentrations in tissues yield statistically significant differences. However, 11 differences did not rise above the intra-specific variability of the monitor species and were not considered to reflect genuine geographic variation in mercury contamination. The remaining three differences indicate shightly enhanced mercury contamination in the epipelagic food web adjacent to the southwest Portuguese coast, which deserves further elucidation. Seabird indications of mercury contamination in the study region were assembled with similar information in a brief meta-analysis for the North Atlantic and adjoining regions.
机译:测定了1809年来自葡萄牙大西洋殖民地(30-40 N,8-32 W)的成年海鸟的卵和羽毛样品中的汞浓度。选择各种物种和组织,以确保汞污染的生态学水平不同(远洋与中生),空间(沿海与远洋)和时间上(短期到中期)整合。在所使用的组织的种类和类型所提供的信息中,总体上是一致的。结果表明,从上层到中层隔层,汞生物累积量增加了四倍。在组织间汞浓度的20个位置间比较中,有14个产生统计上的显着差异。但是,有11种差异没有超出监测物种的种内变异性,也没有反映出汞污染的真正地理差异。剩下的三个差异表明,在葡萄牙西南沿海附近的上层食物网中汞污染急剧增加,值得进一步阐明。通过对北大西洋及毗邻地区进行的简短荟萃分析,将研究区域中海鸟对汞污染的指示与类似信息结合在一起。



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