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The difficulty of disentangling natural from anthropogenic forcing factors makes the evaluation of ecological quality problematic: A case study from Adriatic lagoons


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The complex and dynamic nature of transitional ecosystems pose problems for the assessment of the Ecological Quality Status required by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC). In six Adriatic lagoons, Ecological Quality Status was studied by comparing a biotic index based on macrophytes (MaQI), and three indices based on invertebrates (M-AMBI, M-bAMBI, and ISD). Ecological Status evaluated though MaQI and ISD resulted in quite degraded ecosystems (moderate/poor/bad), with only opportunistic algae and macrobenthic communities dominated by small size classes. Those results were supported by physico-chemical parameters, indicating high nutrients inputs, and anthropogenic pressures related with agriculture and fishery activities. Ecological Status obtained with M-AMBI and M-bAMBI was higher, with some sites reaching even the "good" status. The best response to anthropogenic pressures, in terms of a pressure index, was obtained by M-AMBI and M-bAMBI. Nevertheless, the response of used metrics (such as AMBI and bAMBI) to environmental variables not related to anthropogenic impact, and the high heterogeneity of physical-chemical conditions within lagoons, represent potential problems for the correct evaluation of Ecological Status of transitional waters. When different metrics give different responses it becomes a problem for managers who cannot easily make a decision on the remedial measures. The disagreement among indices arose because of the different response of biological elements to different stressors, and because the different indices based on macroinvertebrates focused on different aspects of the community, providing complementary information. So urge the need to find alternative approaches for a correct assessment of Ecological Status, with the combination of different biological elements, and considering the development of new indices (e.g. M-bAMBI) or refinement of the existing ones.
机译:过渡生态系统的复杂和动态性质给评估欧洲水框架指令(WFD; 2000/60 / EC)要求的生态质量状况带来了问题。在六个亚得里亚泻湖中,通过比较基于大型植物的生物指标(MaQI)和基于无脊椎动物的三个指标(M-AMBI,M-bAMBI和ISD),研究了生态质量状况。尽管通过MaQI和ISD导致了生态系统的严重退化(中度/贫困/恶劣),但生态状况仍得到评估,只有机会藻类和大型底栖动物群落以小规模种群为主。这些结果得到了理化参数的支持,表明营养素输入量很高,与农业和渔业活动有关的人为压力。用M-AMBI和M-bAMBI获得的生态状况更高,有些站点甚至达到“良好”状态。 M-AMBI和M-bAMBI获得了对人为压力的最佳反应(就压力指数而言)。然而,使用的度量标准(例如AMBI和bAMBI)对与人为影响无关的环境变量的响应以及泻湖内物理化学条件的高度异质性,代表了正确评估过渡水生态状况的潜在问题。当不同的指标给出不同的响应时,对于无法轻松决定补救措施的管理者来说,这将成为一个问题。由于生物元素对不同应激源的不同反应,以及基于大型无脊椎动物的不同指标侧重于社区的不同方面,从而提供了补充信息,因此出现了指标之间的分歧。因此,敦促有必要寻找替代方法,以结合不同的生物学要素来正确评估生态状况,并考虑开发新的指标(例如M-bAMBI)或完善现有指标。



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