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Variation in the Sizes of Chthamalid ­Barnacle Post-Settlement Cyprids on European Shores


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As part of a wider study on the settlement and recruitment of Chthamalus spp. in Europe, this study investigated whether chthamalid cyprids can be separated by length on a European scale. Variation in cyprid length with latitude and temporal variation at selected localities were also examined. The lengths of cyprids collected between 1996 – 1999 on nine rocky shores in Europe are reported. Elminius modestus cyprids were found only at Roscoff, NW France and could be distinguished due to their carapace shape and length. They showed a unimodal length distribution, measuring between 450 and 625 µm, with no variation in length between the two sampling dates (1997 and 1998). Based on carapace shape and length, the remaining cyprids in the collections were identified as one of three chthamalid species, Chthamalus montagui, Chthamalus stellatus or Euraphia depressa. Bimodal length distributions of chthamalid cyprids were seen on some shores, while others had a single small-sized modal group (representing C. montagui on Atlantic shores and/or E. depressa in the Mediterranean) separated from a few distinctly larger cyprids (C. stellatus). Metamorphs collected simultaneously with cyprid collections were identified as C. stellatus or C. montagui, except at Roscoff, where E. modestus were also found. In southern Portugal, where all metamorphs collected were C. montagui and adult C. montagui were the dominant barnacles, most cyprids measured between 350 and 550 µm long and this size distribution coincides with the distribution expected for C. montagui. Cyprids collected on these four more southerly Portuguese shores had the same modal length class (475 µm) and this remained constant between successive years at Luz and Albufeira, Algarve. The smallest (350 µm long) wild chthamalid cyprids found were from southern Portugal and Italy. In Spain, France and Ireland the smallest chthamalid cyprid was 425 µm long. The results from the present study support the hypothesis that on Atlantic shores cyprids of C. montagui can be separated from those of C. stellatus based on size, although there is some variation in cyprid length with latitude as well as temporal variation at selected localities.
机译:作为对Chthamalus spp的定居和招募的更广泛研究的一部分。在欧洲,这项研究调查了欧洲范围内是否可以按长度将邻苯二甲酰氰胺分开。还检查了选定地区的塞浦路斯长度随纬度和时间变化的变化。据报道,1996年至1999年之间在欧洲的九个多岩石的海岸上收集的鲤科鱼的长度。 Elminiusmodetus cyprids仅在法国西北部的Roscoff被发现,由于其甲壳的形状和长度而可以区分。他们显示出单峰长度分布,介于450和625 µm之间,两个采样日期(1997和1998)之间的长度没有变化。根据甲壳的形状和长度,收集物中的其余赛普拉斯被鉴定为三种chthamalid物种之一,Chthamalus montagui,Chthamalus stellatus或Euraphia depressa。在一些海岸上观察到了邻苯二甲酰胺的双峰长度分布,而另一些则有一个小型的模态群(代表大西洋沿岸的蒙塔圭和/或地中海中的E. depressa),与几个明显较大的塞浦路斯分开(C.星状)。除在Roscoff还发现了E.modetus的地方以外,与赛普勒斯同时收集的变态被鉴定为C. stellatus或C. montagui。在葡萄牙南部,那里收集到的所有变态种都是C. montagui,而成年的C. montagui是主要的藤壶,大多数赛普拉斯的体长在350至550 µm之间,这种大小分布与C. montagui的分布相符。在葡萄牙的这四个更南的海岸上收集的塞浦路斯具有相同的模态长度等级(475 µm),并且在连续数年之间在阿尔加维的卢兹和阿尔布费拉保持不变。发现的最小(350 µm长)野生chthamalid赛普拉斯来自葡萄牙南部和意大利。在西班牙,法国和爱尔兰,最小的chthamalid赛普拉斯长425 µm。本研究的结果支持以下假设:尽管在选定的地方,塞浦路斯的长度随纬度以及时间的变化有一定的变化,但大西洋沿岸的C. montagui的塞浦路斯可以与C. stellatus的塞浦路斯分开。



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