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A Functional Analysis of the Benthic Macrofauna of the Sao Sebastiao Channel (Southeastern Brazil)


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The major problem in coastal areas of developing countries is disturbance caused by anthropogenic influence. This disturbance can be quantified by analysing the distribution and composition of marine communities using uni- and multivariate techniques and the biotic index. A study of benthic macrofauna was carried out along the Sao Sebastiao Channel, northern coast of Sao Paulo State, Brazil, in an area with a submarine outfall, a petroleum terminal and a commercial harbour. Sampling was undertaken seasonally, by means of a van Veen grab (0.1 m~2) at 15 oceanographic stations, from November 1993 to August 1994. A total of 392 species were identified (129 Polychaeta, 127 Mollusca, 98 Crustacea, 28 Echinodermata and 10 other phyla). The sedimentary pattern recorded for the Sao Sebastiao Channel is very heterogeneous, influenced mainly by strong wind-driven currents, and differs from nearby shelf areas. The study area could be divided into three regions based on sediment texture and fauna: one region dominated by medium and coarse sand with low values of organic carbon; a second area where pelitic fractions were dominant with high values of organic carbon and nitrogen; and a third region characterised by fine and very fine sand, presenting intermediate organic carbon values. No temporal significant variation in abundance and species composition was found, except in autumn. The use of the 'marine Biotic Coefficient' showed the same ecological trend as the faunal abundance and demonstrated that the central continental region of the channel is affected by human activities.
机译:发展中国家沿海地区的主要问题是人为影响造成的干扰。可以通过使用单变量和多变量技术以及生物指数分析海洋群落的分布和组成来量化这种干扰。在巴西圣保罗州北部海岸的圣塞巴斯蒂昂海峡,在一个有海底排污口,一个石油码头和一个商业港口的地区,对底栖大型动物进行了研究。从1993年11月至1994年8月,在15个海洋站进行了范文(Van Veen)抓钩(0.1 m〜2),按季节进行了采样。共识别出392种(129种多毛菌属,127种软体动物,98种甲壳纲,28种棘皮动物和其他10个门)。圣塞巴斯蒂昂海峡的沉积模式非常不均匀,主要受强风流的影响,并且与附近的陆架区不同。根据沉积物的质地和动物区系,研究区域可分为三个区域:一个区域以中等和粗砂为主,有机碳含量较低;另一个区域则为低碳。第二个区域,高岭土成分占主导地位,有机碳和氮含量较高;第三区域的特征是细砂和非常细的砂,具有中等的有机碳值。除秋季外,没有发现丰度和物种组成的时间显着变化。 “海洋生物系数”的使用显示出与动物群落丰富度相同的生态趋势,并表明该河道的中部大陆区域受到人类活动的影响。



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