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ENSO as a natural experiment to understand environmental control of meiofaunal community structure


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The sediments of the Bay of Conception and the adjacent shelf underlie one of the most productive upwelling areas in the SE Pacific margin. Reports on factors controlling meiofaunal community structure in these kinds of organic-rich and oxygen-deficient habitats are scarce in the literature. In this study, five sites along a transect from the mid-Bay of Concepcion (27 m) to the outer shelf (120 m) were studied on fives dates (May, August, November 1997, and March and May 1998) in order to assess the dynamic relationships between sedimentary organic matter and metazoan meiofauna. The sampling period coincided with the 1997-1998 El Nino event. Sediment parameters investigated were the redox potential discontinuity depth, photosynthetic pigment concentrations (chlorophyll a and phaeopigments), organic carbon, nitrogen, total lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins. In general, lowest values of meiofauna abundance and biomass were found within the naturally eutrophic Bay of Conception and towards the shelf break, while maximum values occurred at intermediate depths. During the whole period, the meiofaunal abundance was negatively correlated with the concentration of most of the biochemical components of organic matter, as well as with the sediment phaeopigment content. However, positive correlations were found with chlorophyll a derived indices and with bottom-water oxygen content. Most of the sediment parameters displayed a seasonal cycle, but towards the beginning of 1998, an effect of the 1997-1998 El Nino was evident. Typical austral-summer (i.e. oxygen-deficient) conditions did not develop, and sedimentary parameters reflected a decreased input of phytodetritus. Along the transect, the magnitude of this effect on meiofauna varied among sites. An overall positive response, in terms of meiofaunal abundance was observed, probably due to the amelioration of low oxygen conditions in the sediment.
机译:构想湾及其相邻陆架的沉积物是东南太平洋边缘最富生产力的上升流地区之一。在这些富含有机物和缺氧的生境中,控制气代植物群落结构的因素的文献报道很少。在这项研究中,从康塞普西翁湾中海湾(27 m)到外层架(120 m)沿一条样带的五个地点在五个日期(1997年5月,1997年11月,1998年3月和1998年5月)进行了研究,以便评估沉积有机质与后生动物动物的动态关系。采样期与1997-1998年厄尔尼诺事件同时发生。研究的沉积物参数是氧化还原电位的不连续深度,光合色素的浓度(叶绿素a和phaeopigments),有机碳,氮,总脂质,碳水化合物和蛋白质。通常,在自然富营养化的受孕湾和架子破裂处,发现了鱼类的丰富度和生物量的最小值,而最大值出现在中间深度。在整个时期,动植物的丰度与大多数有机物生化成分的浓度以及沉积物的含量呈负相关。然而,发现与叶绿素a衍生指数和底部水氧含量呈正相关。大多数沉积物参数显示出一个季节性周期,但是到1998年初,1997-1998年厄尔尼诺现象的影响显而易见。没有出现典型的夏季-夏季(即缺氧)条件,沉积参数反映了植物碎屑的输入减少。沿着该样带,这种对鱼类的影响的大小在不同地点之间有所不同。观察到总体上的阳性反应(根据动植物的丰度),可能是由于沉积物中低氧条件的改善所致。



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