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Spatial and temporal distribution patterns of deep-sea mesozooplankton in the eastern Mediterranean - indications of a climatically induced shift?


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Zooplankton samples from the eastern Mediterranean were collected in April/ May 1999 with a multiple opening and closing net (mesh size 333 μm) to examine the distribution and taxonomic composition of mesozooplankton, mainly Calanoida (Copepoda), some years after the onset of the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT), a climatically induced shift in hydrography. The samples from seven stations on a transect from the Ionian Sea to the eastern part of the Levantine Basin were collected at closely spaced vertical intervals from the surface to water depths of 4250 m. Data from January 1987, June 1993, January 1998 and October 2001 from the main site of investigation, south of Crete, were used to describe the temporal evolution before (1987), during (1993) and after (1998-2001) the EMT. The eastern Mediterranean mesozooplankton fauna is dominated by three Calanoida species along the west-east transect, with varying abundances in different depth-zones: Haloptilus longicornis in the epipelagic zone, Eucalanus monachus in the mesopelagic zone, and Lucicutia longiserrata in the bathypelagic zone. A drastic change in mesozooplankton composition and abundance occurred at the main site during the EMT, whereupon increased abundances of Candacia elongata and L. longiserrata were observed in the bathypelagic zone in the following years; L. longiserrata accounted for 43% of the total mesozooplankton in this zone. The hypothesis is posed that the Mediterranean deep-sea ecosystem is able to respond quickly to changes in the environment and memorizes these changes over time. We claim that the biological effects of climatically induced changes can be easily monitored in the deep eastern Mediterranean Sea using calanoid copepod key species due to the hydrographically extreme, but 'simply structured' ecosystem.
机译:1999年4月/ 5月,从地中海东部采集的浮游动物样本带有多个开闭网(网眼大小333μm),以检查东部东部爆发后数年的中层浮游鱼类(主要为Cal鱼(Co足类))的分布和分类学组成。地中海瞬态(EMT),一种气候引起的水文变化。从爱奥尼亚海到黎凡特盆地东部的一个横断面的七个测站采集的样本在地表到水深4250 m的垂直间隔很小。 1987年1月,1993年6月,1998年1月和2001年10月来自克里特岛以南的主要调查地点的数据用于描述EMT之前(1987),期间(1993)和之后(1998-2001)的时间演变。地中海东部中层浮游动物区系由东西向样带中的3种Calanoida种类主导,在不同的深度带中丰度各不相同:上上层带的长白鲑,中上生带的Eucalanus monachus和水生上层带的长白菊。在EMT过程中,中游浮游动物的组成和丰度发生了巨大变化,随后几年,在浮游上层带中发现了长坎达奇亚虫和长鳍金枪鱼的丰度增加。 L. longiserrata占该地区中层浮游动物总数的43%。假设是,地中海深海生态系统能够快速响应环境变化,并随时间记忆这些变化。我们声称,由于水文地理极端但“结构简单”的生态系统,在地中海东部的深海中,可以使用类cal足类足类关键物种轻松监测气候变化的生物学影响。



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