首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology >Influence of lunar phases, winds and seasonality on the stranding of mesopelagic fish in the Strait of Messina (Central Mediterranean Sea)

Influence of lunar phases, winds and seasonality on the stranding of mesopelagic fish in the Strait of Messina (Central Mediterranean Sea)


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The shore stranding of mesopelagic fauna is a recurrent phenomenon in the Strait of Messina (Central Mediterranean Sea). The aim of this paper is to test the influence oflunar phases, winds and seasons upon the frequency of occurrence of strandings of mesopelagic fish. Species abundance in relation to these factors was quantified for the first time. Specimens were collected stranded on the shore along the Sicilian coast of the Strait of Messina between 2008 and 2016. Overall 32 species belonging to seven families (Gonostomatidae, Microstomatidae, Myctophidae, Paralepididae, Phosichthyidae, Sternoptychidae, Stomiidae) were found stranded. Myctophidae was the family including the highest number of species (16), whereas Gonostomatidae was the most abundant in terms of total number of individuals (47.2%), mainly thanks to the species Cyclothone braueri. The moon, which influences the strength of currents (highest during full and new moon phases) and irradiance (higher in some lunar phases, such as the full moon), affected the abundance of stranded mesopelagic fish in the study area. The highest number of stranding events was recorded during the new moon: 34.6% of the total relative abundance of stranded mesopelagic fish. Wind blowing from the sea towards the coastline (southeasterly and easterly winds) created the best conditions for strandings. The highest abundance of stranded specimens was recorded during the winter season.
机译:近中生动物群的海岸搁浅是在墨西拿海峡(地中海中部)经常发生的现象。本文的目的是检验月相,风和季节对中古生鱼搁浅发生频率的影响。与这些因素有关的物种丰度首次被量化。在2008年至2016年之间,收集了滞留在墨西拿海峡西西里海岸沿岸的标本。发现共有7个科(线虫科,微孔科,Myctophidae,Paralepididae,Phosichthyidae,Sternoptychidae,Stomiidae)的总共32种。就物种总数而言,Myctophidae科是最多的科(16个),而在个体总数上,Gonostomatidae科是最多的(47.2%),这主要归功于Cyclothone braueri种。月亮会影响潮流强度(在满月和新月相中最高)和辐照度(在某些月相中较高,例如满月),从而影响了研究区搁浅的近中鱼类的数量。在新月期间,搁浅事件的数量最高:占搁浅的中生鱼类相对总丰度的34.6%。从海上吹向海岸线的风(东南风和东风)为搁浅创造了最佳条件。在冬季记录到的搁浅标本数量最高。



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