首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Alkaline phosphatase activity in symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) as a biological indicator of environmental phosphate exposure

Alkaline phosphatase activity in symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) as a biological indicator of environmental phosphate exposure


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Alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) is an indicator of phosphorus status in marine plants. We examined APA in the symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium bermudense, which occurs with the sea anemone Aiptasia pallida. We have developed an assay for APA that serves as a biological indicator of inorganic phosphate (P_i) exposure in coral reef environments and phosphorus deficiency in zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellae maintained in culture responded to a lack of P_i with elevated levels of APA. Laboratory experiments with A. pallida demonstrated that this effect occurs in symbiosis, although at a longer timescale. The addition of P_i to ambient sea water resulted in higher zooxanthellae density in unfed anemones compared to unfed controls maintained without additional P_i, indicating that S. bermudense can utilize exogenous sources of P_i. APA was measured in zooxanthellae from the coral Montastraea faveolata collected from 2 reef sites with different phosphorus exposure. Zooxanthellae from corals at the low P_i site had significantly higher APA levels than those from the high P_i site. These results indicate the potential of this assay as an indicator of phosphorus exposure in a coral reef environment.
机译:碱性磷酸酶活性(APA)是海洋植物中磷状态的指标。我们检查了与海葵Aiptasia pallida发生的共生鞭毛鞭毛共生鞭毛藻中的APA。我们已经开发出一种APA检测方法,可作为珊瑚礁环境中无机磷酸盐(P_i)暴露和黄原虫中磷缺乏的生物学指标。维持在培养物中的虫黄藻对缺乏P_i的反应是APA水平升高。颇尔拟青霉的实验室实验表明,这种作用发生在共生中,尽管时间更长。与没有添加P_i的未饲喂对照相比,向周围海水中添加P_i导致未饲喂海葵中较高的黄原虫密度,这表明百慕大沙门氏菌可以利用P_i的外源。在从不同磷暴露程度的两个珊瑚礁地点收集的珊瑚Montastraea faveolata的虫黄藻中测量了APA。低P_i位点的珊瑚虫黄藻的APA水平明显高于高P_i位点的珊瑚。这些结果表明该测定法有可能作为珊瑚礁环境中磷暴露的指标。



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