首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Influence of Corophium volutator and Hydrobia ulvae on intertidal benthic diatom assemblages under different nutrient and temperature regimes

Influence of Corophium volutator and Hydrobia ulvae on intertidal benthic diatom assemblages under different nutrient and temperature regimes

机译:在不同营养和温度条件下,Corophium v​​olutator和Hiabia藻对潮间带底栖硅藻组合的影响

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Epipelic diatoms dominate the microphytobenthos of estuarine sediments, where they play important roles in ecological processes such as primary production, secondary production and sediment stability. Grazing (top-down control) and nutrients (bottom-up control) regulate the bio-mass and species composition of intertidal benthic diatom assemblages. However, observations of grazing/predation effects on species richness differ under contrasting nutrient conditions. We investigated the interactive effects of grazing, nutrients and temperature and compared the impacts of Corophium volutator and Hydrobia ulvae―2 species that differ in their feeding strategies and bio-turbation effects. Diatom assemblages were collected from 2 estuaries (Biezelingsche Ham, Wester-schelde, high nutrient, and Zandkreek, Oosterschelde, low nutrient) in The Netherlands that differ in their dominant macrofaunal grazer species. Assemblages were grown in the laboratory without (control) and with grazing activity under different nutrient and temperature regimes. C. volutator exerted a strong regulatory influence on epipelic diatoms by reducing biomass, and preferentially consuming certain dominant taxa, thereby increasing species richness, evenness and diversity. The percentage of epipsammic species increased in the presence of C. volutator, at the expense of Navicula species. Biezelingsche Ham assemblages grazed by C. volutator were not influenced by nutrient or temperature regime, while control assemblages were influenced by temperature. In contrast, differences in the structure of diatom assemblages between the treatments were far less pronounced for H. ulvae-grazed and control Zandkreek assemblages. H. ulvae appeared to be a general consumer, grazing subdominant species. Species richness was greater at low temperature, regardless of nutrient level. Macrofaunal grazing did not predictably increase or decrease species diversity, but could potentially do both, and it may mask the effects of environmental and bottom-up control.
机译:埃博拉尔硅藻在河口沉积物的微植物底栖生物中占主导地位,它们在生态过程中起着重要作用,例如初级生产,次级生产和沉积物稳定性。放牧(自上而下的控制)和养分(自下而上的控制)调节潮间带底栖硅藻组合的生物量和物种组成。但是,在营养条件不同的情况下,放牧/捕食对物种丰富度影响的观察结果也不同。我们调查了放牧,养分和温度的交互作用,并比较了Corophium v​​olutator和Hydrobia ulvae-2物种(其摄食策略和生物扰动效果不同)的影响。从荷兰的2个河口(Biezelingsche火腿,Wester-schelde,高营养素和Zandkreek,Oosterschelde,低营养素)中收集了硅藻组合物,它们的主要大型食草动物种类不同。组件在没有(对照)的情况下在实验室中生长,并且在不同的营养和温度条件下具有放牧活性。 C. volutator通过减少生物量,并优先消耗某些优势类群,从而对表层硅藻产生了强大的调节作用,从而增加了物种的丰富性,均匀性和多样性。在伏地梭菌的存在下,癫痫物种的百分比增加了,而纳维库拉物种的损失却增加了。 C. volutator放牧的Biezelingsche Ham组合不受养分或温度的影响,而对照组合受温度的影响。相反,对于H.ulvae-grazed和对照Zandkreek组合,处理之间的硅藻组合结构的差异远不那么明显。 ul。ulvae似乎是一般消费者,放牧了主要物种。无论营养水平如何,低温下物种的丰富度都更大。大型动物放牧并没有预料到增加或减少物种多样性,但可能同时做到这两种情况,并且可能掩盖了环境和自下而上控制的影响。



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