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Diversity and distribution of coral-associated bacteria


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Coral reefs are the most biodiverse of all marine ecosystems; however, very little is known about prokaryotic diversity in these systems. To address this issue, we sequenced over 1000 bacterial 16S rDNAs from 3 massive coral species (Montastraea franksi, Diploria strigosa, and Porites astreoides) in Panama and Bermuda. Analysis of only 14 coral samples yielded 430 distinct bacterial ribotypes. Statistical analyses suggest that additional sequencing would have resulted in a total of 6000 bacterial ribotypes. Half of the sequences shared <93% identity to previously published 16S sequences, and therefore probably represent novel bacterial genera and species; this degree of novelty was substantially higher than that observed for other marine samples. Samples from the Panama corals were more diverse than those from Bermuda, paralleling diversity gradients seen in metazoans. The coral-bacteria associations were non-random. Different coral species had distinct bacterial communities, even when physically adjacent, while bacterial communities from the same coral species separated by time (~1 yr) or space (3000 km) were similar. Analysis of the branching coral Porites furcata showed that bacterial ribotypes can also be structured spatially within colonies. Therefore, corals and reefs represent landscapes of diverse, ecologically structured prokaryotic communities.
机译:珊瑚礁是所有海洋生态系统中生物多样性最高的;然而,对于这些系统中的原核多样性知之甚少。为了解决这个问题,我们对巴拿马和百慕大的3种大型珊瑚物种(Montastraea franksi,Diploria strigosa和Porites astreoides)的1000多种细菌16S rDNA进行了测序。仅对14个珊瑚样品进行分析,得出430种不同的细菌核糖型。统计分析表明,额外的测序将导致总共6000种细菌核糖型。一半序列与以前发表的16S序列具有<93%的同一性,因此可能代表了新颖的细菌属和种;这种新颖程度大大高于其他海洋样本所观察到的程度。巴拿马珊瑚的样品比百慕大的样品更多样化,与后生动物中的多样性梯度相似。珊瑚细菌协会是非随机的。即使在物理上相邻,不同的珊瑚物种也具有独特的细菌群落,而按时间(〜1年)或空间(3000 km)分隔的同一珊瑚物种的细菌群落却相似。对分支珊瑚Porites furcata的分析表明,细菌核糖型也可以在菌落内空间结构。因此,珊瑚和礁石代表着生态结构多样的原核生物群落的景观。



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