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Feeding history influences otolith shape in tropical fish


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The influence of feeding history on otolith shape and symmetry was examined in juveniles of 2 species of coral reef fish, Amphiprion akindynos and Pomacentrus amboinensis. Fast Fourier analysis was used to describe the shape of otoliths of fish from a variety of experimental feeding treatments, ranging from starvation, through pulse feeding, to feeding ad libitum. The resulting harmonics from both the left and right otoliths of each individual fish were used in a multivariate analysis to investigate shape differences among feeding treatments in the 2 species. When left and right otoliths were analysed separately, no significant differences between feeding treatments were revealed for either species. In contrast, when left and right otoliths from individuals were analysed together, clear separations in feeding groups were observed in both species. Differences among feeding treatments were largely due to differences in the finer details of the otolith shape, represented by the middle level harmonics. Fish that had been starved had significantly different otolith shapes than fish from all other treatments. Differences in otolith shape could not simply be attributed to differences in fish size or age among treatments. We conclude that differences in otolith shape are influenced by recent feeding history, but processes that influence otolith shape are complex and most likely species-specific. This study presents new evidence that otolith shape of tropical fish may directly reflect body condition of individuals regardless of fish size and age.
机译:在两种珊瑚礁鱼(Amphiprion akindynos和Pomacentrus amboinensis)的幼鱼中,研究了摄食史对耳石形状和对称性的影响。快速傅立叶分析用于描述从饥饿,脉冲饲喂到随意饲喂等各种实验性饲喂方法中鱼耳石的形状。来自每条鱼的左耳石和右耳石的谐波,被用于多变量分析中,以研究这两种鱼类在不同饲养方法之间的形状差异。当分别对左右耳石进行分析时,两种动物的进食处理之间没有显着差异。相反,当一起分析个体的左耳石耳和右耳石耳时,在两个物种的饲喂组中观察到清晰的分离。进食处理之间的差异主要是由于耳石形状的精细细节方面的差异(以中级谐波表示)所致。与其他所有处理方法相比,挨饿的鱼的耳石形状明显不同。耳石形状的差异不能简单地归因于处理之间鱼的大小或年龄的差异。我们得出的结论是,耳石形状的差异受最近的进食历史影响,但是影响耳石形状的过程非常复杂,并且很可能是特定物种的。这项研究提出了新的证据,即热带鱼的耳石形状可能直接反映个体的身体状况,而与鱼的大小和年龄无关。



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