首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Biogenic silica in tidal freshwater marsh sediments and vegetation (Schelde estuary, Belgium)

Biogenic silica in tidal freshwater marsh sediments and vegetation (Schelde estuary, Belgium)


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To date, estuarine ecosystem research has mostly neglected silica cycling in freshwater intertidal marshes. However, tidal marshes can store large amounts of biogenic silica (BSi) in vegetation and sediment. BSi content of the typical freshwater marsh plants Phragmites australis, Impatiens glandulifera, Urtica dioica, Epilobium hirsutum and Salix sp. was analysed year-round. All herbaceous species accumulated silica in their tissue during their life cycle. Of the live plants, P. australis contained the most BSi (accumulating from 6 to 55 mg g~(-1)}. Dead shoots of P. australis had the highest BSi content (up to 72.2 mg g~(-1)). U. dioica (<11.1 mg g~(-1)}, I. glandulifera (<1.1 mg g~(-1)), E. hirsutum (< 1.2 mg g~(-1)) and Salix sp. (< 1.9 mg g~(-1)) had a much lower BSi content. Except for P. australis rhizomes (< 15 mg g~(-1)) underground biomass contained low amounts of BSi (< 6 mg g~(-1)). Sediment BSi content decreased from the surface (9 to 10 mg g~(-1)) to deeper layers (5 to 7 mg g~(-1)). There was seasonal variation in sediment BSi. Dissolved Si in porewater was highest in summer (ca. 600 μM) and lowest in winter (ca. 400 μM). P. australis vegetation (aboveground and roots) contained up to 126 g m~(-2) BSi, while the upper 30 cm of sediment accumulated up to 1500 g m~(-2), making sediment the largest BSi reservoir in the marsh. We conclude that P. australis wetlands could be an essential, but unrecognised, sink for BSi in the biogeochemical cycling of Si.
机译:迄今为止,河口生态系统研究大多忽略了在淡水潮间带沼泽中的二氧化硅循环。但是,潮汐沼泽可以在植被和沉积物中存储大量的生物硅(BSi)。典型的淡水沼泽植物芦苇,凤仙花,荨麻白粉病,水生淫羊and和柳柳的BSi含量。全年进行了分析。所有草本物种在其生命周期中都会在其组织中积累二氧化硅。在活植物中,南洋假单胞菌的BSi含量最高(从6到55 mg g〜(-1)}},而死去的芽新芽的BSi含量最高(最高为72.2 mg g〜(-1))。 。U. dioica(<11.1 mg g〜(-1)},I。glandulifera(<1.1 mg g〜(-1)),hirstum(<1.2 mg g〜(-1))和Salix sp。( <1.9 mg g〜(-1))的BSi含量要低得多。除了澳洲根茎(<15 mg g〜(-1))外,地下生物量的BSi含量较低(<6 mg g〜(-1) )。沉积物中BSi含量从表层(9至10 mg g〜(-1))下降至较深层(5至7 mg g〜(-1))。沉积物中BSi随季节变化。孔隙水中溶解的Si夏季最高(约600μM),冬季最低(约400μM),澳洲对虾植被(地上和根系)的BSi含量高达126 gm〜(-2),而沉积物的上30 cm最高可达1500 gm〜(-2),使沉积物成为沼泽中最大的BSi储集层,我们得出结论,澳大利亚假单胞菌湿地可能是双峰中BSi必不可少的,但未被认识到Si的地球化学循环



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