首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Seeing the world through the nose of a bird: new developments in the sensory ecology of procellariiform seabirds

Seeing the world through the nose of a bird: new developments in the sensory ecology of procellariiform seabirds


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Procellariiform seabirds (petrels, albatrosses and shearwaters) have been a wonder to sailors and biologists for many hundreds of years. These long-lived birds spend nearly all of their lives in flight over the ocean, and are tied to land only for a few months each year (or every other year) to breed and rear a single offspring. They typically nest on isolated islands, either in burrows or above ground, depending on the species. Adults forage offshore on a variety of patchily distributed prey types and return periodically to provision the nestling (reviewed by Warham 1990, 1996). Amazingly, these foraging trips are often hundreds or thousands of kilometers from the breeding colony. How they so casually perform such miracles of navigation is not well understood.
机译:数百年来,Procellariiform海鸟(海燕,信天翁和剪枝水)一直是水手和生物学家的奇迹。这些长寿鸟类几乎一生都在海洋上度过,并且每年(或每隔一年)仅在陆地上绑几个月,以繁殖和饲养单个后代。它们通常栖息在孤立的岛屿上,在洞穴中或在地上,具体取决于物种。成年动物在海中觅食各种零散分布的猎物,并定期返回以提供雏鸟(Warham 1990,1996综述)。令人惊奇的是,这些觅食之旅通常距离繁殖地数百或数千公里。他们如何随意地执行这样的导航奇迹还没有被很好地理解。



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