首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Restoration trajectories and food web linkages in San Francisco Bay's estuarine marshes: a manipulative translocation experiment

Restoration trajectories and food web linkages in San Francisco Bay's estuarine marshes: a manipulative translocation experiment


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We measured δ~(13)C, δ~(15)N and δ~(34)S signatures of natural and translocated mussels Ischa-dium demissum to identify food web source differences among estuarine marshes displaying various stages of restorative development. We hypothesized that mussels inhabiting younger marshes would be more dependent on allochthonous organic matter sources, while those inhabiting mature marshes would depend on autochthonous sources. Mussels collected from an undisturbed (reference) marsh located within the Napa River estuarine complex in San Francisco Bay were translocated to a series of restoring marsh sites located within the same river system. The isotopic composition of naturally growing mussels was compared with translocated mussels, which were incubated in restoring sites for 5 and 7 mo. Measurements of δ~(13)C, δ~(15)N, and δ~(34)S indicated differences in food web sources supporting I. demissum among the 4 marsh sites. A strong cage effect was detected during the initial 5 mo collection interval, indicating that translocated mussels had yet to equilibrate with their new environments. Multiple source mixing model analysis indicated that C_3 emergent vascular plants and brackish phytoplankton contributed most of the organic matter consumed by I. demissum over both time periods, but that mussels collected from the downstream sites exhibited higher dependence upon vascular plant detritus. Bay produced phytoplankton contributed very little to I. demissum diets, suggesting that the pelagic waters of San Francisco Bay have less influence on marsh food web dynamics than previously anticipated. The results of this experiment show that food web pathways are strongest at intermediate scales; they can be relatively short and unique to specific marshes along the estuarine gradient, but similarities in mussel diets among marshes in close proximity to one another suggests inter-marsh exchange of organic matter. It is, therefore, likely that food webs in young restoration sites depend upon organic matter subsidies from neighboring marshes, rather than from San Francisco Bay.
机译:我们测量了天然贻贝和易位贻贝Ismiss-diummissum的δ〜(13)C,δ〜(15)N和δ〜(34)S标记,以识别出显示恢复发展各个阶段的河口沼泽之间食物网的来源差异。我们假设居住在沼泽地中的贻贝将更多地依赖于异源有机物源,而居住在沼泽地中的贻贝将取决于自生源。从位于旧金山湾纳帕河河口群内未受干扰的(参考)沼泽中收集的贻贝被转移到位于同一河流系统内的一系列恢复沼泽地。将自然生长的贻贝的同位素组成与易位的贻贝进行比较,将其在恢复位点孵育5个月和7个月。对δ〜(13)C,δ〜(15)N和δ〜(34)S的测量表明,在4个沼泽点中,食物网源中支持I.missum的食物网有所不同。在最初的5 mo收集间隔中检测到强烈的笼效应,表明易位的贻贝尚未与其新环境保持平衡。多源混合模型分析表明,在这两个时期内,C_3新生维管植物和微咸的浮游植物贡献了全岛淡水杆菌所消耗的大部分有机物,但从下游站点收集的贻贝对维管植物碎屑的依赖性更高。海湾产生的浮游植物对小爪参的饮食贡献很小,这表明旧金山湾的中上层水域对沼泽食物网动态的影响比以前预期的要小。该实验的结果表明,食物网途径在中等规模时最强。它们可能相对较短,并且对于沿河口梯度的特定沼泽是唯一的,但是彼此之间非常接近的沼泽之间的贻贝饮食之间的相似性表明沼泽间有机质的交换。因此,年轻的修复地点的食物网很可能取决于邻近沼泽地而不是旧金山湾的有机物补贴。



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