首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Genetic differentiation in bottlenose dolphins from South Australia: association with local oceanography and coastal geography

Genetic differentiation in bottlenose dolphins from South Australia: association with local oceanography and coastal geography


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For many marine organisms, including large, long-lived predators, the factors affecting connectivity between populations are still largely unknown. We assessed levels of genetic differentiation and dispersal patterns of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops sp. across Spencer Gulf and coastal areas west of the gulf in the Great Australian Bight, South Australia (SA), using data from mitochondrial DNA control region sequences and 6 microsatellite loci. Marked genetic differentiation and low migration were detected between dolphins of Spencer Gulf and those inhabiting coastal areas west of the gulf. We hypothesise that the restriction to dolphin gene flow is influenced by an oceano-graphic front at the mouth of Spencer Gulf that builds up over the austral summer and exhibits strong differences in water temperatures and salinity levels. It appears that the genetic subdivision reported here is a recent phenomenon, a finding consistent with the known geomorphologic history of the region. Coastal bottlenose dolphins from SA are evolutionarily divergent from other bottlenose dolphin species and are potentially under threat due to ongoing human-related mortality. The information from this study can, therefore, be used for the development of much-needed conservation management strategies.
机译:对于许多海洋生物,包括大型的,长寿命的捕食者,影响种群之间连通性的因素仍然未知。我们评估了宽吻海豚Tursiops sp。的遗传分化水平和扩散模式。利用来自线粒体DNA控制区序列和6个微卫星基因座的数据,在南澳大利亚州大澳大利亚湾(SA)横跨斯宾塞湾和海湾以西的沿海地区。在斯宾塞海湾的海豚与居住在海湾以西沿海地区的海豚之间,发现了明显的遗传分化和低迁移。我们假设海豚基因流量的限制受Spencer湾口处的海洋学图谱影响,该图谱在夏季南方形成,并且在水温和盐度水平上表现出很大差异。似乎这里报道的遗传细分是一种最近的现象,这一发现与该地区的已知地貌史一致。来自SA的沿海宽吻海豚在进化上与其他宽吻海豚物种不同,并且由于与人类有关的持续死亡而可能受到威胁。因此,这项研究提供的信息可用于制定急需的养护管理策略。



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