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Climate change, ocean processes and ocean iron fertilization


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Observations indicate that the rate of increase in concentration of atmospheric CO_2 is increasing faster than projected in any of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission scenarios. Several mitigation measures, referred to as 'geoengineering options', have been proposed to remove CO_2 from the atmosphere. To be successful, such a mitigation operation must remove 'significant' CO_2 from the atmosphere for many decades, be verifiable, and not cause deleterious side effects. One option, purposeful addition of iron to fertilize photosynthetic uptake of CO_2 by phytoplankton in regions of the ocean where iron is a limiting nutrient, has received considerable scientific attention. In the last 15 yr, a dozen small-scale open ocean iron fertilization experiments have been performed and a succession of models of large-scale fertilization have been developed. As successive models have become more realistic, the amounts of CO_2 forecast to be seguestered have dropped, and in all cases are small relative to the amounts of CO_2 projected to be released through fossil fuel burning over the next century for any of the IPCC emission scenarios. Possible side effects include a long term reduction in ocean productivity, alteration of the structure of marine food webs, and a more rapid increase in ocean acidity. Most importantly, increased remineralization associated with the increased downward export of organic carbon particles would result in increased production of the third most important long-lived greenhouse gas, N_2O. The magnitude of this effect is poorly known.
机译:观察结果表明,大气中CO_2浓度的增加速度快于任何政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)排放情景中的预测速度。已经提出了几种缓解措施,称为“地球工程方案”,以从大气中清除CO_2。为了取得成功,这样的缓解措施必须在大气中去除“大量”的CO_2数十年,而且必须经过验证,并且不会造成有害的副作用。一种选择是有目的地添加铁,以使铁限制营养的海洋区域中的浮游植物对光合作用的CO_2吸收,从而引起了广泛的科学关注。在过去的15年中,已经进行了十二个小型的露天铁肥施肥实验,并开发了一系列的大型施肥模型。随着后续模型变得更加现实,预测要封存的CO_2的数量下降了,并且在所有情况下,相对于IPCC排放情景中下一个世纪通过化石燃料燃烧释放的CO_2的数量都相对较小。 。可能的副作用包括海洋生产力的长期降低,海洋食物网结构的改变以及海洋酸度的更快增加。最重要的是,与增加的有机碳颗粒向下出口相关的增加的再矿化将导致第三种最重要的长寿命温室气体N_2O的产量增加。这种影响的程度鲜为人知。



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