首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Variability in transport of fish eggs and larvae. IV. Interannual variability in larval stage duration of immigrating plaice in the Dutch Wadden Sea

Variability in transport of fish eggs and larvae. IV. Interannual variability in larval stage duration of immigrating plaice in the Dutch Wadden Sea

机译:鱼卵和幼虫运输中的变异性。 IV。荷兰瓦登海im鱼幼体期持续时间的年际变化

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Larval immigration of plaice Pleuronectes platessa L. into the western Wadden Sea in spring was followed biweekly from 1993 to 2002. For each year (1993 excluded), 150 settling individuals were selected and used for reconstruction of larval stage duration based on otolith daily ring counts. In addition, prevailing water temperature conditions during drift as revealed from NOAA satellite images were determined. Mean larval stage duration varied between about 40 and 60 d, without any clear significant pattern between or within years. Year-class strength of plaice in the western Wadden Sea was not related to mean larval stage duration. Mean larval stage duration did not show a clear pattern during the period of immigration, nor with reconstructed temperature conditions. The observed decrease of larval stage duration with temperature in the field was lower than that observed under laboratory conditions, suggesting food limitation with increasing temperature during drift. The fact that both within-year and for all years combined the number of immigrating larvae was inversely related to temperature conditions during drift suggested that year-class strength could be affected by temperature-mediated predation, but simultaneously occurring food limitation at high temperatures cannot be excluded.
机译:从1993年至2002年,每两周进行一次春季of虱(Pleuronectes platesa L.)幼虫向西部瓦登海的迁徙。每年(不包括1993年),选择150名定居个体,并根据耳石每日环数来重建其幼虫期持续时间。 。此外,确定了从NOAA卫星图像中揭示的漂流期间的主要水温条件。幼虫期的平均持续时间在大约40到60 d之间变化,在几年之间或几年之内没有任何明显的明显规律。瓦登海西部类的年强度与平均幼虫期持续时间无关。在迁徙期间,平均幼体期持续时间没有显示出清晰的模式,也没有在重建的温度条件下显示出清晰的模式。在田间观察到的幼虫期持续时间随温度的降低比在实验室条件下观察到的降低,表明随漂移温度升高而限制了食物。年内和所有年份结合的幼虫数量与漂移期间的温度条件成反比的事实表明,年级强度可能受到温度介导的捕食的影响,但同时发生的高温食物限制不能排除在外。



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