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Shortened duration of the annual Neocalanusplumchrus biomass peak in the Northeast Pacific


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The calanoid copepod Neocalanus plumchrus (Marukawa) is a dominant member of the spring mesozooplankton in the subarctic North Pacific and Bering Sea. Previous studies have shown interdecadal and latitudinal variation in seasonal developmental timing, with peak biomass occurring earlier in years and places with warmer upper ocean temperatures. Because N. plumchrus normally has a single dominant annual cohort, its seasonal timing can be indexed from measurements of total population biomass or by following progressive changes in stage composition. Early studies empirically found that peak upper ocean biomass occurred when about half of the pre-dormant population had reached copepodite stage 5 (C5). However, more recent comparisons derived from recent Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) data now show peak biomass when a larger fraction (>80%) of the population is at C5. CPR samples the surface 10 to 15 m, but comparisons to depth-resolved BIONESS data show that this discrepancy is not an artefact of sampling depth. Other causes are either a prolongation of duration of pre-dormant C5 or a narrowing of the age range making up the annual cohort. We assessed changes in cohort width using a modification of Greve's cumulative per-centile method, and found that average cohort widths in the Alaska Gyre were significantly narrower in 2000-2007 than in 1957-1965 (1968-1980 were intermediate). Net tow sampling of Strait of Georgia populations showed a similar significant narrowing of cohorts in the 2003-2005 sampling period. This study provides evidence that in addition to the shift to an earlier occurrence of peak biomass reported previously, the duration of the peak has also decreased in the last decade.
机译:cal足类pe足类新足纲(Marukawa)是北极北太平洋和白令海春季中层浮游动物的主要成员。先前的研究表明,季节发展时际存在年代际和纬度变化,峰值生物量出现在几年中的早期,而较高的海洋温度也较高。由于羽状猪笼草通常只有一个主要的年度队列,因此可以根据种群总体生物量的测量值或通过跟踪阶段组成的逐步变化来索引其季节时机。早期的研究根据经验发现,当大约一半的休眠前种群达到了角足类第5阶段(C5)时,就出现了上层海洋生物量的峰值。但是,根据最近的连续浮游生物记录器(CPR)数据得出的最新比较结果显示,当大部分人口(> 80%)位于C5时,生物量达到峰值。 CPR会在10至15 m的范围内对表面进行采样,但是与深度解析的BIONESS数据进行的比较表明,这种差异并不是采样深度的伪影。其他原因可能是休眠前C5的持续时间延长或构成年度队列的年龄范围缩小。我们使用改进的Greve累积百分位数方法评估了队列宽度的变化,发现2000-2007年阿拉斯加回旋的平均队列宽度比1957-1965年的窄得多(1968-1980年处于中间水平)。格鲁吉亚人口海峡的净拖曳采样显示,在2003-2005年采样期间,同类队列的显着缩小。这项研究提供的证据表明,除了先前报道的峰值生物量转移到更早发生之外,峰值持续时间在最近十年中也有所减少。



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